[M][F] My ex, or how I learned I can do doggy style, too!

So, I don’t like to talk bad about my ex, I’m not that kind of guy, but this is my story of going from feeling like a zero to feeling like a hero.

So, I broke up with my ex a few months back, probably closer to a year now at this point, and we had been in a long long term relationship at that point, so we had sex a lot in the time we were together, but one thing always eluded me, and that was doggy style.

We’d try, oh boy would we try, but I would always come out, or not be able to get in at all. Now I’m decidedly average down there, but I’ve never been particularly confident about it or my sexual prowess. You know that thing the you do for people you love, encourage them and what not? My ex never did that. I would become frustrated when I failed because it was reportedly her favorite position, and I just couldn’t. I hated that feeling, and I blamed myself, I blamed my lack of endowment. I blamed my lack of experience. The one thing I didn’t blame was her.