<Still Guilty> Hot gf’s roommate

I think it is finally time to tell this story anonymously to an audience. I’m still working through the feelings associated, etc. It kind of fucked me up because it was the first step in an eventual very emotional breakup with my gf. I wasn’t very attracted to her although she is good looking and a lovely person. I mostly just really liked and admired her. We’re still working on being friends a few years later. Anyway, this experience helped me see that I needed to end it, but also made me feel really fucking guilty. I have only really talked about it with my fiance (who is the absolute best), and she gets it, but I need to share more.

My gf and I used to sleep over at each others’ places sometimes, especially on weekends after partying. We were both sophomores in uni at the time, so both had to share our rooms with a roommate (which as anyone who’s been to uni knows is both a blessing and a curse – my roommate from that year is still a great friend, but there were a lot of close calls on him walking in on me and my gf). Anyway, this story is about several of those nights sleeping over at my gf’s place.