Sayonara Sweetheart!

So I am in this public restroom at an interstate gas station, taking a leak, when I read the following handwritten note on the wall: "Lonely, hot Asian Waif willing to suck big American white guy dry! Just text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx and I will be there in 30 minutes driving a yellow Mustang. /s/ Sayonara Sweetheart". I omitted the real number for obvious reasons.

"Shit, I got some time to kill. Why not?", I thought. It was already late and I was on a long trip and about ready to check into a little hotel down the road for the night. So I sent a text to the number saying I was interested. In about 5 minutes I got my reply! "On my way, big guy! Get ready to have your mind blown!", was the reply. Hot damn!

30 minutes passed. I was on my 3rd smoke in the parking lot and getting ready to leave. What the fuck was I doing? This is crazy! Then as I was ready to leave a bright yellow Mustang wheeled into the parking lot. "Alrighty-oh! Here we go!", I thought!

Fiery Latina

Marizelle was this hot Latina chick. Actually she was half Latina and half Philippine. But she was a knockout! I knew her from work. I tried talking to her but we just never seemed to hit it off. Then one night I was at the office late getting ready for a presentation the next day. On the way out I notice Marizelle at her desk. It looked like she was getting ready to leave. I said "Hey, it looks like we are both burning the midnight oil. Want to walk to the parking garage together?" She said she did and that she was glad I was there since it was late and getting dark. I struck up a conversation with her. It turns out that she is a huge fan of jazz like I am. After we arrived at her car we stood there and talked for 20 minutes about what musicians we like and about what shows we had recently been to. I also found out that she was coming out of a bitter divorce and had not been out in a while. It was a prime moment to ask her out, but I choked. DAMN!!!