My lust[f]ul teenage girl on girl experience. True story

I wanted to share a story because it’s one I think others may appreciate.. hopefully lol. I’m a happily married mother in my thirties, but to this day, I still get so turned on thinking about my first experience with another woman when I was younger….this is an absolutely true story. Only a few details have been changed to keep anonymity.

Both Eve and I were 16 when we met one summer working at a restaurant in a tourist town. She was a local, and I would come with my family during the warm months to our lakeside cottage. I got a job mostly to make some extra cash and meet people so I wouldn’t be so bored. She and I hit it off instantly as friends. We worked in the back, washing dishes. Spending our time sneaking out to smoke weed behind the building, listening to music while we worked, and spying on cute guys out in the dining room. She introduced me to a group of people from the area, and it turned out to be a great summer, looking back. But the thing I remember most is our night after we had been at the beach all day…