An unexpected surprise in a bad moment.

Last week I was working for my dad sealing up a roof at one of his rental properties. This is a typical 2 story house in the village that at some point the bottom was converted to a commercial space. Anyways… in order to seal the area of the roof that was leaking I had to use our propane fired kettle to heat the tar. The weather was complete shit and in the middle of the job I had to heat up more. I came down off the ladder and did what I had to do but when I went to climb the ladder again with the kettle of hot tar, the rungs were snow covered and my footing slipped and the tar kettle splashed on my hand holding the ladder. Needless to say I pulled that hand off the ladder and quickly learned the laws of gravity. I wasnt but 3 foot off the ground but when I hit the ground the tar splashed again up and onto my shoulder and arm. I set the bucket down and quickly stripped my sweatshirt off trying to keep the tar from burning me more.