Aussie and Kiwi’s London Renovations, Unexpected Chemistry, Friendship and Romance [FM]

In 2008, I was living in London, living for new opportunities and adventures. Travelling when I could find the time. I lived for the weekend, and had a good life. It was a time when the global financial crisis was starting to take hold, and London, like the rest of the world, was feeling its effects. The city was still recovering from the 7/7 bombings in 2005, and security was tighter than ever. But despite these challenges, London remained a vibrant and bustling metropolis, with its famous red buses, the tube, black taxis, and busy high streets.

My previous job was in construction in Slough, a town west of London. The long and tiresome train rides to and from work, coupled with the unfulfilling job, made it a struggle to make ends meet. One day, I got lucky and heard about a construction job renovating a pub in South Kensington, and I jumped at the chance. The pay was good, and the best part was that we got a cold shell to sleep in, right above the pub. It beat sleeping on a friend’s couch, and it was a step up from my previous gig.

[FM] Tradie flirting with the Asian doctor

This is from many years ago when I was working in a remote mining town in the tropics saving money to buy a house for when I moved back to Sydney.

My life was pretty basic up there; working for a small business servicing air conditioners during the week then drinking and fishing all weekend. I’m a red blooded guy, 6’4″ tall, with light stubble, short brown hair and an athletic build. I love the outdoors and all that comes with it. I was in my element.

Despite the happy simple life, living and working in the tropics can be a challenge, especially when the heat and humidity seem to linger in the air day and night. I remember countless sleepless nights when I was working on remote sites and in camps when the temperature would soar, making it impossible to rest or even breathe properly.

The only relief came from the cool of an air conditioner and preferably a cold beer and good company, which would provide a welcome respite from the oppressive heat.

What was different in the tropics to most Australian major cities is that air conditioning wasn’t a luxury or convenience; it was essential for the health and wellbeing of the tradies, doctors, nurses, and other workers who called the mining town home.

[MF] New job flirting with the HR Milf

This was a few years ago when I first started at the company I work for now.

I M31 had just started working at a new company in North Sydney. I was the new guy and was excited to be starting a new chapter in my life. I was coming into a job that was part of a rebrand and restructure and so they hadn’t mapped out roles and responsibilities yet, they also had appeared to picked candidates at random as there were very different skill levels.

It turned out after only a short time on the first day that I was much more experienced than the other candidates with my industry background and so I was singled out by HR and management for an intensive new starter program building policies, procedures and building team foundations together.

So here I am on my first day, when I met a woman named Sarah, who worked in HR. Sarah was 38 and tall. Nearly taller than me. She had a slim figure, a pretty face with a big white teethy smile and her skin was tanned and skilfully plastered with makeup but still splashed with freckles. She had DD breasts that were wrapped and respectfully covered in corporate attire.

[MF] Commenting on her boobs turned into an extramarital affair

This is a recent and vivid memory from Summer ’22, we were two married individuals M35 and F33 who had been feeling unfulfilled in our current relationships. Despite our love for our respective partners and families, we found ourselves seeking something more. One day, we both stumbled upon a Reddit post that piqued our interest, well actually I should say she made a reddit post that piqued my interest. She was showing her boobs and I made some boring comment about being up late but before we knew it, we were exchanging messages.

The conversations were electric and full of intrigue. We stayed up late each night after our spouses were asleep, we talked about everything from hobbies like gardening, lawns, kids and hiking; to our deepest desires. She liked feeling full and swallowing cum, both I assured her I could deliver on. I like giving and love boobs, necks and hands. It was prime new relationship energy and our adrenaline was throbbing as was my cock with every new message. As time went on, we began sharing videos and photos of ourselves, each one more daring than the last. It was fate that once we got to know each other better and share where we lived that she lived only 1 hour away on the other side of Sydney. We knew we had to meet in person and finally decided to meet up in a secluded forest along a remote fire trail.