How I lose my virginity [MF]

It’s not that didn’t want to date or have sex before before I turned 20. I just never got a chance. I have resting bitch face syndrome, and I’m extremely shy. Making me seem, well, stand off-ish. Around 19 , I joined so dating sites, because the whole being shy, and the fact that most of the people I was constantly around I wasn’t ever attracted to.
I got a few matches, but I never met anyone. I was too scared to meet up in person. Multiple reasons for that. I finally was able to meet up with someone, but that completely fell threw. Had me waiting hours for him at Starbucks, leading me on saying that he was coming. He ended up ditching me for a boxing match.

Of course it bummed me out, and it took me another hot minute to even try to attempt. I did eventually again. We ended up meeting up at Starbucks ( I know again). He was fairly tall, white guy. Typical boy next door good looks, not super model looks, but cute. We talked for a while ended up leaving Starbucks and walking around the area, look at stores and stuff. We ended up having a small dinner at crepe place. I was having fun, and I honestly didn’t want to end.