Disclaimer: I’m using a burner because I have pics on my main that make it easy to dox me. Names will be changed for anonymity’s sake. Also there’s a lot of backstory, so I’ll indicate the sexy bits with ***
I first met Kate when I was 12 or 13 and she was a year and grade older. Our sisters were put on the same soccer team. At the time I was very much an asshole, as most 13 year olds are, and well, she was kinda pudgy, so I didn’t have much interest in her. She was as sweet as she could be, though. We’d talk during games and such, then one day she gave me a note in the hallway at school and I avoided her like the plague.
Fast forward about 7 years and I’m just getting unpacked into my new barracks room at Fort Polk and I get a Facebook message from her. Nothing special, just saying that she ran into my sister and heard I was in the army and stuff, wished me luck and what not. When I look at her profile she’s got a kid and is engaged to some fat fuck, but good God has puberty done her good. I mull it over for a second, but decide not to respond because there were just too many red flags.