Chapter 31. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. A birthday to remember.

I blinked again in surprise. Standing there topless in the Vegas pool, it took me a moment to register this new information. I had come to terms with this handsome stranger being only 21 years old, as his physical build and conversational aptitude had suggested otherwise. But finding out that his mother had come along on his birthday trip to Vegas was not what I expected to hear. I looked up at her waving to Zack and his friends to get out of the pool and I attempted to make an exit as well. I chuckled quietly to myself at the situation. Who would have thought?

I started to say goodbye but Zack stopped me as he reached for my arm. He was quite sheepish about the situation and apologized for not mentioning it before, as I had been very forthcoming about my own relational situation with him. I laughed and teased him about whether he was sharing a room with her. He assured me that he was bunking with some of his buddies that weekend and that they were going to be heading out to a club later that night. He wanted to see me after that. I hesitated and said we’d see. I never make promises or set expectations for anyone.

Chapter 30. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. Birthday boy.

It was summer again, and work schedules had aligned for a little getaway with another couple, Matt and Christine (names changed). We decided on Vegas as the destination, as there’s always something fun to get into there. While packing for the trip, my husband joked about why I even bothered to pack the tops for my bikinis since we’d just be at topless pools all day. I laughed as he crossed the room and teasingly pulled my top up to gaze at my breasts before determining that yes, they were good to go for public display.
I playfully swatted at his hands but he simply moved them lower to my waist and pulled me into him for a kiss. His mouth was hot and eager. Already hungry for a taste of what Vegas would bring. My body responded to his touch and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he squeezed me tight. His fingers began to fumble with the button of my cutoff shorts and slid them down my tanned legs, leaving me in nothing but my tee shirt and panties.

Chapter 29. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. The afterglow.

Coming home after spending a sexy weekend with friends at Lake Mead left me on a high. My husband and I replayed over and over the amazing moments of intimacy that we had shared with each other. He told me that watching me alone with Jack on that last day was the highlight of the trip. That I had looked so sensual and confident as I dipped my toe into the realm of experiencing things on my own. Getting a taste of what it would be like to be a true Hotwife. I had to admit, it was as though something had been awakened within me. A desire to not only fulfill my own sexual desires, but to give my husband the pleasure of reclamation upon my return home. As a definitively alpha type, my husband does not fit into the cuck category. Rather, he enjoys the sense of competition it brings when I come home with the smell of another man on me. He has to get it off. He needs to reclaim my body. And I melt at his touch when he does. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

Chapter 28. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. My first taste as a Hotwife.

Excitement from the day before hung over me as I woke on our last full day at Lake Mead.  From boating and dining out, to flirting with Jack and Annie throughout the trip, this getaway had been unbelievably fun.  I glanced at my husband as he stirred in bed next to me.  He had expressed his desire to share me, and the thought of being a Hotwife was beginning to surge within me.  I found the thrill of a new partner, paired with the security of a soulmate, to be tantalizing and fulfilling.  When he opened his eyes, he found me wearing a silly grin as naughty thoughts swirled through my mind.  

I giggled as his hands began to tease me under the sheets.  Throwing the covers back from our bodies, he began to kiss along my stomach, pulling my tank top up to reveal my breasts.  His mouth trailed along the top of my panty line, nipping and tugging the fabric with his teeth.  I reached down and slipped my thumbs into the sides of my panties, helping him slide them down and off my legs.  His focus quickly returned to where he had left off, as he lowered himself between my spreading thighs.  

Chapter 27. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. Fun and games.

The morning was clear and bright – the perfect day to be out on the water at Lake Mead with our couple group of friends.  The boat was loaded with snacks, adult beverages, and a bevy of bikini-clad ladies ready for a day of fun.  We spent the better part of the day wake boarding and taking in the amazing scenery around us.  The boat was sleek and fast, and we all laughed at how the bikinis barely did us girls any service as we bounced over the choppy waves.  

As the day progressed, the men were more than generous to help us with reapplying sunscreen in hard-to-reach places.  I smiled behind my sunglasses as I watched Jack rubbing sunscreen on one of the other wives.  The movements of his hands along her body took me back to the way he had touched me the last time we were together months ago.  I wanted to feel his touch all over again.  

Chapter 26. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. Trip to Lake Mead.

Summer was around the corner and there was no better time for a vacation to be scheduled.  My husband and I were meeting up with Jack, Annie, and some other couples for a long weekend away at Lake Mead.  We had rented a house together and one of our friends had a boat he was going to trailer in.  It was sure to be an amazing trip.  It had been almost six months since we had seen Jack and Annie, and my mind raced at the thought of seeing them again.  I was excited at the possibility of enjoying some sexy moments with them, but didn’t want to get my expectations set on something that may not happen since we were sharing a house with others.  

We had coordinated flights so we could rent a couple of cars and drive to the house together.  Annie and I sat in the back and enjoyed catching up together while Jack and my husband drove.  Periodically, I could sense Jack looking back at me from the rear-view mirror.  Even through his sunglasses I knew where his gaze was falling.  I could feel myself pulse between my legs at the thought of him undressing me with his eyes.  

Chapter 25. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. The Hotwife conversation.

There’s something about the morning sun in Cabo.  It’s brighter.  More beautiful.  When it calls you to start the day, you respond without hesitation.  Being the first ones up that morning, my husband and I decided to sit on our balcony for coffee as to not disturb our friends just yet.  From our vantage point, we could see the ocean in the distance, the waves dancing in the early light.  The soft breeze swept through the foliage surrounding us and carried the fragrance of the blossoming flowers with it.  A perfect morning, indeed.

Sitting with my coffee, I could feel the heady stare of my husband on me.  It hadn’t escaped me that my breasts were barely covered by my night shirt.  Nor that my legs were bare, with the exception of my panties.  He slid over to me on the bench that looked out over the pool and began to kiss along my collarbone.  Hearing a splash below, it was then that we noticed a pool boy had come to clean and skim the water for the day.  He hadn’t seen us on the balcony as he was focused on his tasks.  Glancing at my husband with a sly grin, we leaned into one another and continued the kiss he started.

Chapter 24. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. Cabo getaway.

A few months had passed since having friends stay at our house over the summer, and we were due for another vacation. Our old friend, Eric and his new wife Kelly (names changed), had invited us and another couple to go with them to Cabo San Lucas for a few days. We couldn’t wait. It had been months since I had seen Eric, and I wondered how the dynamic between us would feel now that he was married.

My husband still enjoyed hearing my Hotpast stories of Eric and myself, and it was always fun to recall the night when he and Eric were out of town together and I sent them both naughty photos throughout the evening. Even now, the slightest hint of sexual tension continued to linger between us whenever we saw each other. We knew that whatever Cabo would bring, it would be fun.

Arriving in Mexico is always such a thrill. The climate, the culture, the cuisine. It is all so welcoming and uplifting. So, by the time we made it from the airport to the house we were renting, we were all in excellent spirits. The six of us toured the house and met the kind staff who would be attending to us while we were there. The balcony views were spectacular as we looked out onto the ocean, and the greenery surrounding us on either side gave the feel of us being the only people on that side of the peninsula.

Chapter 23. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. Lingerie and blueberries.

Evening fell on the first night of our weekend together.  After some time to rest that afternoon, everyone emerged from their respective rooms rejuvenated and ready for the night.  The ten of us casually hung out in our living room debating dinner options and ultimately deciding to order in so as to make the most of our night at the house.  After all, when the trip was initially being planned, we had talked about making tonight a lingerie night.  One of the men in the group had even brought some sound and lighting equipment, and we were going to turn our media room into a make-shift night club.  We could not have been more excited.

Dinner was delivered, and we all enjoyed lighthearted conversation as we ate.  After cleaning up, everyone retreated to their rooms to change for the “club.”  As I slipped on black lingerie in my closet, my husband came up from behind me and pulled me close.  He whispered in my ear how sexy it had been for him to watch me earlier in the day with Jack.  His hand slipped down to pat me gently at the apex between my thighs, reiterating again how hot it was to know that I had another man’s load deep in me, and that he had been able to watch as it happened.  Kissing me with a devilish grin, we finished dressing and headed upstairs to start the night. 

Chapter 22. How a sweet Sorority girl with a PhD and kids got into the Lifestyle and ultimately became a Hotwife. A first time for everything.

The afternoon sun was fading fast.  Long shadows began to fall as we climbed out of the pool to go inside for the evening.  The girls all gathered their bikini tops that had been strewn across the patio furniture before heading in.  Everyone was a bit sun fatigued, so we decided to all have some down time to shower and clean up before regrouping for dinner; everyone except for us, Jack, and Annie.  My husband and Annie were so aroused by the thought of Jack and me playing together earlier in the afternoon and they wanted to be a part of it as well.

Once in the house, my husband and I rushed to clean up quickly as we had agreed to see Jack and Annie in their room for a little fun.  As we were changing out of our swimsuits, my husband confessed how turned on he was at the idea of me playing with Jack on my own.  For years before we had begun to play together with others, my husband would ask me to regale him with sexual stories from my past.  As a college frat guy, my husband had enjoyed many experiences of exploration with women, and my repertoire wasn’t quite as extensive.  My husband was so aroused by the thought of me expanding my horizons and exploring on my own with Jack, or even other men.