[MF] my(F21) family friend’s nephew(M20)

I met him over a month ago. When my mother and her best friend reconnected and my mother stayed the night, I went with her. Little did we know, the friend’s nephew lived with her and her son(22). I had previously had a small crush on the son but he wasn’t REALLY my type. But the nephew… he was definitely my type.

He kept calling me pretty girl and flirting with me in front of my mom(I have a boyfriend she knows), so i never really responded back, just smiled and ignored it. But on our last day staying the night, he called me pretty girl in the early morning when i had just woken up and hadn’t even changed or brushed my hair. I had been discussing on reddit whether I should message him or not ALL night, and when I finally did, we were leaving town. But he RESPONDED

He had seen that I was interested without me ever saying a word. I told him I was only interested in sex honestly(he had a ROSTER of girls on snap so I knew I was one of MANY), and that we had to keep it on the downlow because I was involved with someone. We agreed to fuck the next time we saw each other, which ended up being a week later.