The Innocent Diaries of an Insatiable Hotwife – Book 1 – Chapter 1 (Rough Draft) [MMF][Hotwife][Masturbation]

## Chills. Everywhere. Down my neck, down my spine, all the way to my toes.

That’s what happens every time I glide my fingers between the swollen lips of my dripping wet pussy.

It’s been three days since I’ve had my last orgasm and I’m going crazy. Life just gets busy, ya know? One thing turns into the next and eventually you and your husband become more abstinent than a catholic priest. 

Speaking of my husband, thanks to my *very* considerate snoring, I am now awake at 430am on a Saturday. And since I’m the only one in the house who is awake, I’m going to take advantage of the rare quietness and fix this little problem of mine.

I throw my legs out from underneath the blankets and attempt to get out of bed as quietly as possible. Clumsily doing it in a way that resembles more of a trip and stumble rather than a tip and toe. But I leave the bedroom unscathed and walk down the hallway undetected.

Sneakily making my way into the bathroom, I shut the door behind me quietly, being sure to not to make a single noise. I then turn the faucet on to the bath, envisioning that the sound of the running water will soon be drowning out the sounds of my self-induced pleasure.

[MFM] My Beautiful Wife (hotwife story)

My toes begin to curl as I throw my head back, letting out a subtle moan.

**I’ve always wondered why this turns me on. But I hardly resisted it. Ever since I could remember, I was always interested in the taboo, the freaky, the stuff that society has labeled as “wrong”.**

Looking back at my phone in my left hand, I can hardly keep from cumming. My hand slows it’s speed as I stroke my shaft to try and edge the orgasm, to savor the pleasure.

As I begin to lose myself in the video I start fantasizing about my own life. The video gave me a perfect foundation to begin painting a beautiful masterpiece in my mind. The heat, the passion, the lust.

**I’ve always believed that to fully reap the benefits sex has to offer, you have to be able to connect the mind to the body. I’ve always thought that sex was a tool to be used by our physical vessels to explore our deeper selves, almost on a spiritual level.**

My mind drifts into a trance as It begins to work, creating a heated scene of passion, intense pleasure, & promiscuity.