[F]I cheated on my bf with my trans teammate..

I am still in college but I play competitively with an esport team . We are a women’s team. We are 4 cis women and 1 trans woman.

We play together , and we used to only play online because if covid period. But we had our first meet up to play on LAN together. We booked hotel rooms and so on . And there was a party at the arrival and I kinda got drunked and ended up being brought to my room by my friend ( the trans one) she’s very pretty honestly and like we started talking while sitting together and slowly it became more flirty and we ended up having sex…

Something about her being so hot and pretty while also having a dick was just very hot to me . Like she’s hotter than me while I’m just a nerdy normal girl but idk she just knew how to turn me on and take full control over my body and just dominates me . It was wild and like we did it for the entire stay … she has control over me now and we do it whenever she wants . I just freeze whenever she moves on me and I let her do what she desires even tho I feel wrong because I have a partner