Co-Worker Accidentally Showed Me a Naughty Pic [M24][F18]

“I did something bad.”

“Mayyyyyy” I said, pretending to sound scolding, “What did you do?”

May and I were working a closing shift at the LaLaLime, charged with cleaning up the store. She was younger than me, but my manager for the night. She never acted above me or anything like that, though.

“I feel so embarrassed talking about it.” She said, clearly a little ashamed, but I could tell she wanted to tell me real bad.

“I’m not gonna judge you, May!” I said, in earnest. May was a younger co-worker. Her life drama was of no consequence to me. I wasn’t interested in judging any of my younger co-workers, I just ate up their ridiculous stories like candy. It was fun for me to hear what they were up to.

“You will though.”

“I won’t. I’ve done my fair share of stupid stuff. So I can’t judge.”

“Ok, ok. Do you remember the story I told you about that guy Mike getting into a fight outside a bar a few months ago?”

“Yeah, he and that other dude got kicked out of Ralph’s by security and Mike kicked his ass on the sidewalk, right?”

I Always Get Horny In Church M23/F30 [Church][Exhibitionist][MILF]

I was a ringer for a small volunteer church choir. Basically, i was there to help keep the old folks in tune, on the beat, and fill out the sound of the bass section.

It wasn’t my favorite job, but the singers and choir director were all lovely people, and the pay was pretty good for the amount of work it demanded. The worst part for me was singing so early on Sunday mornings. I already felt my social life stifled by an atypical work schedule, and there was no way I could go out Saturday nights to drink with friends if I had to sing early the next morning. But I was making it work well enough.

The choir was all 65+ and being in my early 20’s made me stick out like a sore thumb. Or a green thumb, maybe. I didn’t mind it. Old people were relaxing to be around and I was always the cool guy in the room, even if I wasn’t all that cool outside of the church.

Freshman Sexpot M19/F18 [Theater][College][Exhibitionist]

I was excited to be working on a devised piece of theatre. For all of you non-theatre-nerds out there, devised theatre is original work created and performed by an ensemble. Most people are used to seeing plays and musicals that were written beforehand, the rights secured for fees payable to various publishing companies. That, or free plays in the public domain.

My college decided to have students work together and write a play. I was a sophomore coming into my own, more confident than ever. My ambitions were to write, act, and compose in this piece. Underneath it all was a deep insecurity that I wasn’t talented enough. But here, I just had to be more talented than my classmates.

I don’t think anyone would have pegged me for insecure, but deep down, I knew I wasn’t as good an actor, writer, or musician as I wanted to be. When I looked people in the eye, I felt their silent acknowledgment of this fact. Worst was that no one had the guts to tell me I wasn’t special. Their unspoken thoughts hovered around my psyche at all times. So the validation of my peers would hit like a drug. Especially the opinion of girls.

Closing Shift [M19/F21] [slow burn][workplace][retail][edging][mild-noncon][sex][sleep]

Here’s [Part 1]( of the story!


I’d been working at LalaLime for about a year part-time. It was a great supplemental job for me ([My time with Liv and Tanya]( was literally the greatest thing that had EVER happened to me.) I had no complaints.

We did have a newer leader on the team who seemed stressed all the time. I didn’t really get why, but I think she just wanted to do a good job. Amanda was tall at 5’9″, slender, and beautiful with hazel hair, green eyes, and an athletic build. I never saw her in a state of calm, and it made me want to see her cut loose so badly. I knew this was unlikely but I couldn’t help being curious. What did it look like when AMANDA was having fun?

Our small store was closing up for the night and I wasn’t looking forward to the last hour of the shift with Amanda micromanaging me as I completed closing duties.

She locked the door right at 8.

“Ok, can you start the closing checklist?” She immediately demanded, not noticing that I had started it 15 minutes ago.

Steph Takes Control Of Rehearsal [F26/M40+][teasing][light dom][oral][PIV]

This story includes excerpts from the play *Our Town*, by Thornton Wilder. Any text in italics is a line from the play. If you don’t want spoilers from the play, maybe skip this story! I used the Samuel French publication for reference. Thank you for reading!


I was tired from moving around the country nonstop for two years working in an endless stream of regional theaters. Some contracts were a midsummer nights dream. Others made me feel like I had hay fever. I’d played huge roles like Laura in The Glass Menagerie all the way to odd servants or comedic relief characters in a Shakespeare festival.

I made friends, filled up my resume, and grinded the fuck out of my career in the theatre.

Getting offered roles, making friends, and seeing the country kept me going. But I felt something shifting towards the negative. All this grinding was for what? To play bigger roles in theaters that no one’s ever heard of? To serve a career that would ultimately be in New York? Maybe make it to Broadway? Was that it?

New Babysitter [F19/M35][Mutual Masturbation][Voyeur][Orgasm]

Sharon was away two months for work, and I was left to deal with our toddler. Since I was also working full time, we frequently relied on babysitters. At this point, we had a decent rolodex of nannies to call, and this weekend I was getting some long-overdue time with the boys. Friday through Sunday we’d be hitting bars, going to the beach, working out, and eating. It was about the only thing I was looking forward to while my wife was away.

I had booked Celine, a lovely, heavy-set middle-aged woman to live here all weekend with Caleb, our toddler. She was kind, nurturing, commanded respect, and could cook like a champ. Her bill was well worth it.

The week leading up to Boys Weekend was dragging. I couldn’t stop thinking about Friday afternoon when I’d be free to party. I was also thinking about how much I missed Sharon. She’d been gone a little over a month and I was lonely. We made a great team raising Caleb, and I discovered how much I had taken physical contact for granted. Going a few days without ever being hugged someone is…strange. I missed it. Thank god for Caleb. We shared a lot of quality time when I got home from work and he made missing Sharon a little easier.

Therapist Tries Role Play to Help Patient [M26/F30]

After two years of therapy I still hated my father, lost patience with my mother, was embittered towards my older brother, and didn’t know what career I wanted to pursue. So I was skeptical about its efficacy, but since I was covered by insurance (through the job I wanted to leave but didn’t know where I’d go) I decided to stick it out. Maybe I’d have a break through.

Or maybe I was attracted to my therapist. She was only a few years older than me with straight dark brown hair, brown eyes, and lightly bronzed skin on a thin, but feminine build. She was cold but attentive. Sometimes she was brutally honest with me about my kvetching but it never read as mean. She was the ultimate professional. She’d wear black turtlenecks that hugged her frame perfectly over plaid skirts and black pantyhose. Her face was always adorned with wire frame glasses, dark lipstick, and an even, steady gaze.

Maybe I just came back to see her, hoping to win her approval, or inspire her to show a modicum of emotion towards me. But she never did: always the professional.

We Had To Share a Shower at the Gym [F21/M28]

Sweat keeps me sane. Things might be tough now, but if I wasn’t working out, it would be ten times worse. This past week I’ve been a gym sad boy. I go to group fitness class and work harder than the instructor thinks I can. Then I stretch, get my shit, and leave.

My mom has been in the hospital this whole week and I feel like I’m on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I’ve read that single men in their late twenties don’t fare well in terms of mental health, but I’m so down all the time it’s hard to meet someone. I figure if I can get in better shape and up my confidence, I’ll have a shot. As for now, I’m in a vicious cycle.

I don’t know if you’ve ever been without physical touch for a long time, but it’s driving me crazy. Hugging my mom while she lies in a hospital bed is more for her than for me at this point. I want to feel a woman’s touch: to feel her soft curves press into me and hold on tight. I want to be desired. I also think desperation is the strongest cologne. So I keep my head down and mind my damn business. The only thing worse than being alone is being pitied.

Horny College Girls Try Video Chat [FF20/M20]

My best friend, Jennifer, and I are in college. We go to a small, liberal arts college which typically have a lot more girls than guys in attendance. This makes dating and hookups tricky. Sometimes it feels like slim pickings here. Jennifer and I bitch about this a lot, and sometimes our conversations get pretty explicit. We are both pretty conventionally attractive women, me with dark blonde hair, green eyes, soft curves and warm face and Jennifer with darker skin; small, perky tits; and dark brown hair. Maybe we are spoiled but we did get male attention…it was just never reciprocated.

One night in the fall of our junior year, we met up after not seeing each other for months, and decided to drink some wine and watch *Euphoria*. The show is super fucked up, but we both love the acting, writing, and direction. Some of the scenes are pretty explicit and all the dick in the show had us a little thirsty. After a glass or two and a few episodes down, we decided to move to something else. Feeling a little bold, we logged onto a video chatting website and decided to find at least one dude who was trying to get off. Jennifer and were lying next to each other on my bed and we set up the camera facing our way.

Me and My Best Friend Fucked High School Grads in Europe [MM22/FF18]

After graduating college, I went on a trip to Europe with my best friend, Ryan. Some of the trip was just us exploring on our own, but other parts were more structured. We were with a tour group in Italy that took us through the Piemontes, stopping in small towns to sample the local cuisine as we went. At night, we’d usually get a small room with two beds in a hostel with a bunch of other young people around. I wasn’t a huge partier and liked to get adequate sleep, so the hostel environment could be hit or miss for me.

I’m just about 6″, slim, with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Ryan is 5″, a little more muscular with darker hair, facial hair and brown eyes. We were very different, but couldn’t be closer. We complimented each other well. Me, with my charming anxious humor, and Ryan with his friendly nature and confidence. We were also affectionate friends, never shying away from a hug or saying, “I love you.” Part of this physical comfortability was also a show for girls. We played it up sometimes, to flirt.