Morning Protest [ff][masturbation]

I wake to the sound of running water. She’s taking a shower. Despite knowing she’s in the other room, I impulsively reach my arm over to her side of the bed, hoping to feel her skin. When my hand reaches nothing but ruffled sheets, I can’t help but feel disappointed that she got up to shower without me. I throw off my covers in a sort of pouty protest, and look to the washroom door, ajar, as steam starts flowing out. I could join her.. but why reward her for abandoning me like this? 

I hear her clothes hit the floor, the shower curtain open and close. The thought of her slender naked figure, water trickling down her curves, might make this peaceful protest harder than originally planned.. Her and her boy cut, jet black hair. Freckles covering her face, shoulders, back and arms. Her petite figure, with soap and water tracing the shape of her perfectly pert little breasts, capped with their delectable pink nipples that fit the shape of my mouth so well..