Wife’s Mexican Cruise

Hey everyone! Frequent lurker and I have a solid story I feel is worthy of some hot past recognition.
So a little bit about my wife; she’s about 5’4 – 140 pounds. Slim, athletic build with a tight smaller ass but very generous breasts up top. She’s African-American and at the time of the cruise, she was about 22 years-old.

My wife and I have been friends since middle school and were frequent love interests all thru high school and college. I always assumed my wife was a generally innocent woman – not much of a partier or drinker but when I heard about this trip and saw video… my opinion changed a little bit and for the better!! Let’s get started!

My wife graduated college and was treated to a cruise by a family member of hers. She was allowed to bring a close friend so she chose one of her girlfriends. Simple girls outing in Mexico right? Well, I had heard about the cruise a few times and everything was always innocent fun; dancing, drinking, etc. But years after the cruise, my wife and I hosted a dinner with the girl she took on the cruise (I’m close friends with her as well). We smoked a little and drank a bit of wine and were feeling good and out of nowhere the topic of cruises pops up. Giggling and chuckling ensues from the girls when all of the sudden, my wife’s friend says, “Remember Ensenada’s Papa and Beers?!”