My cute former virgin classmate [m] that I [f] started dating have been fucking nonstop since I moved in with him.

Thank you all for the overwhelmingly positive response from my first story with Taylor. Since that post my life has gotten chaotic even before the whole COVID-19 pandemic took over. Without getting into details I had a nasty falling out with my roommates and I ultimately moved out my own sanity at the beginning of February. Taylor being the ever-caring sweetie he is, was there for me every step of the way and I ended up moving in with him at his apartment until I could find a new living situation. It took a few days, but it was all worth it to finally live with him.

I finally moved all my shit in on Friday and I had the place to myself until 9 when Taylor gets back from his job. After finishing up some assignments I crashed on his living room couch where I proceeded to nap until he got back. I awoke to him coming through the door with a smile on his face taking off his jacket. I spring up running over giving him a tight hug before we share a few kisses. I let him take a shower as I watched some TV to pass the time. He finishes up and comes back out wearing nothing but his blue flannel pajama pants that got me instantly turned on. He snuggles up next to me kissing my neck as he engulfed me in his strong arms. He slips his big hands down around my hips as I turn to look into his mesmerizing eyes and share a kiss before I start to kiss his cheek. “I love you so fucking much.” He whispers to me.

I [f] let that cute (now former) virgin classmate [m] I started dating tie me up and use for hours in a hotel room.

I’m so glad you all enjoyed my first story with Taylor! I’m happy to share more about us to you all. I would’ve had this story out sooner, but my laptop needed to be taken into the shop for a bit. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this story as much as the first.

After spending Christmas with Taylor’s wonderful family, I readied myself to have Christmas with my family. After a measly half hour drive, I’m back home with my parents as the rest of my family arrives soon after. I had on an ugly Christmas sweater that Taylor helped me pick out with a black skirt and matching nylons. I slipped away to the bathroom so I can send Taylor some sexy pics of my outfit, I knew it would drive him insane. I lifted up my skirt to show off my ass and sent that to him. I flashed my tits in a mirror pic and sent him that too. I send him two more pics before I go back out and rejoin the family. A little while later and I get a response from him. “I can’t wait for New Year’s ?”

“I can’t either baby!”

I [f] started dating a cute classmate [m] who turned out to be a virgin. Now I’m letting him have all the pussy he wants.

I finally have a story worth sharing on this sub. Hope you enjoy!

This all started back in September when I was just starting my sophomore year at community college…

I met Taylor the second class I had that day and we hit it off immediately. He was a bit quiet at first but eventually opened up to me. He’s a big teddy bear of a human being standing at 6’2 (a full foot taller than me) with messy blonde hair and 5 o’clock shadow. I found very charming and handsome on top of his amazing personality. I don’t know why we didn’t exchange numbers the first day we met but when we finally did the next time we had class we were inseparable. We texted each other daily and became close really fast. He’s such a sweet guy who never fails to make me laugh like an idiot. He always put a smile on my face whenever I talked with him. Two weeks into the semester and we finally start seeing each other outside of class. We got coffee a few times and eventually got dinner one night. Shortly after that I started developing feelings for him, but I wasn’t so sure if he felt the same. I thought my hints were going over his head until one night about a month and a half into our friendship he finally asked me out on a date. I happily said yes, and we figured out a time and place. I couldn’t wait to