[MF] Three months apart left us hungry for each other…

Here’s a quick backstory the last girl I dated and I, had been away from each other for three months after having just started dating. We spoke on the phone regularly but we were getting extremely sexually frustrated by the distance.

Obviously, the best thing to do was send her over the edge with the following story.

Each ‘Part’ was sent a week apart. The best thing? When I first saw her back, I did everything to her, word for word as in the story.

“PART 1:

You come home to a dark house, the glow of a single candle illuminating the living room.

You find this strange, one of your roommates must have forgotten it. How reckless. You should probably blow it out before you head down to your room.

As you near the candle, hands appear from the darkness behind you, envelope themselves around your waist and pull you into a bodily warmth that is all too familiar.