Erotic mmromance for men

Deetz: Sure I’ve visited my fair share of dungeons.

Angus: We could do that.

Deetz: I don’t think I’m ready 2 show you that side of me.

Angus: Let me know when you are . . . it will prove you deserve to wear that wedding ring.

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Desmond “Deetz” Mac Innes was starting his morning prayers and wondered if Hashem, one of the many names Jews used to describe the supreme being, would mind that he was naked while engaging in such a revertant activity. I suppose it’s nothing She or He hasn’t seen before, Deetz said to himself. In his rather bare private room in Churton Place, the London townhouse he shared with his husband and several members of their MI-6 special sections spy crew, Deetz lost himself in many activities – from yoga to Tai Chi, Zen Buddhist meditation to Druidic cleansing rituals, and from reading Spinoza to contemplating the words of Hillel. After clipping to his tightly curled dark brown hair the beige yarmulke knitted by his younger sister for his 29th birthday, he had to first rub the front of his scalp where Angus had pulled just a little too hard while fucking him last night – sometimes newbies just lose control of the situation and things get out of hand. Deetz would talk to him about it later. For now, the drafty air foretelling of an early winter snow storm made him reconsider nudity and he grabbed the pair of pants and tee shirt lazily draped over an old stuffed chair that would have been less out of place in someone’s 15th Century castle.

Angus found me a date at a cocktail party Part 2

The Portobello was a charming Notting Hill hotel with charming interiors and an accurate Victorian style. Many of the ‘rich and famous’ spent time there thus the staff know to turn a blind eye to the comings and goings of their guests, as well who their guests come and go with. Plus, since some winning Univision band stayed there, all the rooms now had sound reduction equipment. I could make this woman squeal at the top of her lungs and even the pigeons on the window sill wouldn’t hear her.

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for this next installment! Scroll down if you missed Part 1. Look forward to Part 3 in a few days.

What was Angus Thinking? – a “fanfiction” formed from the soon to be published book, “The Roswell Discrepancy”

Angus Reese was a bit drunk and really high but that didn’t explain the sudden curiosity about how boys have sex. Sure, he’d seen a few pornos and, as any good liberal should, attended his fair share of gay pride parades, usually with lesbian friends. He liked pussy and a fair set of tits bouncing from just above the opening of a silk blouse rocked his johnny something fierce. But as some distant intellectual exercise, Angus wondered just exactly how blokes, well, did it. The whole “similar body parts” piece just eluded him – was it weird to feel hair against your upper lip (Did it tickle, like some of his girlfriends said)? Did guys give better blow jobs (A guy’s gotta know what a guy wants, right)? Do guys feel the same kind of spark straight guys do when they find the one (or do they just fuck around like most straight guys wish they could)? The latter question puzzled him the most for, despite wooing and bedding any number of women, at some point, Angus always felt empty, as if the conquest was the only thrill. He was beginning to think that despite really wanting children that eventually he would just adopt some Congolese orphan and raise him or her as a single dad. Having to talk to some slapper who was always hounding him for money or affection did not seem like a positive lifestyle choice.