[MMF] My wife had 2 sugar daddies

My wife and I have always had a pretty open relationship. We are not afraid to tell eachother anything, reveal something or if the other did something we did not like, confront them. It’s one of the many things that has always attracted me to her. I stumbled across this sub a few months ago, and reading many stories it got me thinking about my wife. We have long talked about past boyfriends/girlfriends. But never past sexual experiences. Reading the stories posted got me thinking about my wife and wanting to ask her. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad bit scared.

So this past Saturday after a nice dinner out. We came home and I asked her. And much to my surprise there was a little reluctance and hesitation. I was a little surprised since that is not like my wife. But after some prying I finally got her to talk about it. And boy was I shocked.

I [F] had sex with one of [m]y long time friends

I’ve known my good friend Adam for almost 18 years now. FYI we are both 23. When my family moved in to our quite little street he was the only one in the same grade as me. So we always rode the bus together, we shared classes etc. We always got along extremely well even though we were in different friend circles.

Once college hit we stayed in touch with the occasional snapchats, texts and so on. When we would be home for breaks every once in a while we would go get some food. My mom always, and still does, want us to date. Anyway, the point is Adam is a very nice guy and the only guy that I would consider a true friend.

Our relationship has never been flirtatious. One time I believe it was sophomore year, we were on our usual Snapchat streak. We would snap constantly for a few days then not hear from each other for a few weeks. It was a Friday night we both were drunk and I remember some flirty snaps but that was it. But other then that one moment there has never been anything.