Alex [M] and I [M] Grow Closer After The Gym

First post here, feel free to give it some love. Let me know if you’d like to hear more.

This is the story of a friendship that evolved into a friends with benefits type arrangement. It still gives me shivers to think about, as I never expected (or even wanted) what eventually came to pass.

His name was Alex (not really, but that’s what we’ll call him), we met about a year ago through an amateur indoor sports league. He was unassuming for being one of the best players in the league. I’d place him around my skill level. Never thought much of him besides his skillfulness in volleyball. It was clear he had been playing for a while as he exercised a certain skillfulness that’s built over years of refinement.

Over time I started to prefer playing next to him. His sets were solid (which is hard to come by) and he always gave 100%, no matter the odds of success – when another player punted the ball in the wrong direction, him and I would instinctively take off sprinting for it. I admired his tenacity and commitment to winning in that way.