Free-Use Vacation (Freeuse) (Bondage) (Group) (Femsubs) (Commission)

On a street in Paris, there was a small building. The sort of place that was sold to tourists for weeks at a time. It sat on the outskirts of the city, far enough away not to bother the locals, but close enough to let the travellers make their way deeper in. There, they could marvel at the sights, taste the historic food of the famous city, mingle with the locals and enjoy that particular atmosphere of culture and refinement which was so unique to the French.

Hopefully all while spending a great deal of money.

It had been empty for the last few weeks, ever since the last family to rent it had had to rush back home so very suddenly – something about ‘’financial difficulties’’ but that was about to change with the arrival of a rented van.

It was dark and late at night as the passengers disembarked, they were tired from a long trip. They had come from Singapore, which was a multiple-hour trip followed by the can journey. To say that they were spent would be an understatement. They were exhausted, their energy depleted by the trip and by the flight. Usually, they would be only too happy to fall into the waiting beds, sleeping deeply until the morning when they could finally begin their week-long vacation.

The Gift (BDSM) (Femsub) (M/F) (Freeuse) (Domination) (Game) (All characters 20+)

He’d been living on his own for a year before he threw the party which would change everything. Born to a small town, Alex Curren had worked hard to excel and be noticed, even with the looming shadow of his more successful older brother. When the job offer had come through, he’d been utterly amazed.

It had called for him to move across the country, taking up residence in the big city for the first time in his life. That alone had not worried him much – Alex was social and charismatic enough when he wanted to be. Making friends would not be a problem.

Leaving the ones he already had, though? That was more difficult? He’d pondered what to do for several days but ultimately there was only one real choice. Alex had hated living in the small town, it was constrictive, one day was the same as the next and there was no sense of progress or growth. It was like he was drowning in time, sinking deeper and deeper into the years until one day he’d wake up to find that he was fifty and had never amounted to any more than he had now.

The Final Subjugation of a Defeated Princess (Commission) (Fantasy) (BDSM) (Piercing) (Defeated Heroine) (All characters 20+)

Darc was the envoy for the Empire of Cargaga. Prized for his loyalty, his intelligence and his absolute devotion to the crown and to the king who wore it. This was why out of all of the men who served the king, he alone had been sent to the land of Narvek, the so-called Empire of Tears.

The man in charge was called Kroven. Not born to royalty, Kroven had taken it with the edge of his sword. He’d forged a dozen tribes into a single faction and led them out to set fire to the world. They were not currently anywhere close to the borders of Cargaga, but that might change in as little time as a decade. Darc was tasked to find out their intentions.

He was currently being escorted towards a private room where Kroven waited for him. The two guards were tough and intimidating but Darc felt no fear.

Outside of the room, one held out a hand for his weapon.

“Your sword.”

“I have none,” Darc said.. The massive man gave him a look, as if despairing at the stupidity of foreigners who did not even know to travel armed.

The Slave Contract, Final (BDSM) (Slave) (Bondage) (Freeuse) (Contract) (Female) (Submission) (Final) (All characters 20+)

Dave was waiting for her in his room. As soon as she stepped into it, Lynna heard the door close and lock. She spun. She was still naked, clad only in her collar. Dave let his gaze linger on her naked body. She could feel the palpable sense of lust, desire and entitlement which danced in his eyes. Unlike the others, Dave was much less reliable when it came to treating this all like a game. Part of him really had come to see her as a slut and whore. That behaviour was toxic, and part of the reason Lynna was so torn about whether she should take the job or not.

But right now it was also exciting. She felt her pussy start to tingle with pinpricks of heat. Dave was the most personal, the most intense of everyone she’d spent time with so far. She knew what she was in for tonight wasn’t games or toys or talking.

She was going to get fucked.

He spun her around without a word, pressing her body into the door. Lynna felt her breasts squash against the wooden exterior. He was behind her, she could feel his body as he moved. Something cold and wet dribbled over her ass. It was lube. Moments later, it was followed by something warm and hard.

The Slave Contract, Part Three (Slave) (Freeuse) (toys) (Electro-play) (Domination) (All characters 20+)

“Who’s next up?”

“That would be me,” A blond woman pushed herself to her feet. Around her, the waiting room was sterile and dull. A false plant had been placed to one side in the hope that it would introduce some life to the place.

It did not.

The interviewer led her into a smaller room. There was a desk there, and a series of chairs. Two more people were waiting, a man and a woman. They were dressed well, and each bore a vaguely plastic-looking expression of welcome on their face.. They had already talked to several people today and after her, they would talk to several more. She sat down carefully, brushing her dark skirt as she settled.

“You’re Lynna Richards, yes?”

“That’s right,” Lynna said. She smiled at them, though her heart was not fully in it. She was torn with a doubt that she carefully did not allow to show on her face. “I sent you my CV earlier.”

“Ah yes,” The man said. “You were a secretary at one of the big offices, weren’t you?”

The Slave Contract, Part Two (Slave) (Freeuse) (Contract) (Toys) (All characters 20+)

One month ago, Lynna had sold herself to her flatmates.

It had been a logical choice; she’d just lost her job as a secretary and the rent was due. There were five of them there, three guys and two girls including herself. When she had admitted that she was not able to pay her share of it, one of those guys – a small man named Trevor – had suggested a form of alternative payment.

Despite her shock, Lynna had found herself intrigued. She’d never been a conservative woman when it came to sex. The idea of being used in this way was very interesting to her. And the others agreed that they would cover her rent. Actually, they would cover it even if she didn’t agree. But Trevor was the most wealthy one and he had agreed to cover half of it on his own if she did. Her roommates were her friends and she didn’t want to be a bother to them if she could avoid it. The logical choice was to simply agree and-


The Slave Contract (BDSM) (Freeuse) (Slave) (Domination) (Contract) (All characters 20+)

It started when she lost her job. It wasn’t really her fault that it happened; she worked as a secretary for some big business and the higher ups had made a bit of a miscalculation when it came to what would sell and what would not. Naturally, it wasn’t them who suffered when the budget had to be tightened. A bunch of the smaller workers were let go to save money, accountants, lower level managers and, yes, secretaries.

One of them was Lynna.

She was twenty five years old and had worked in the city for most of her life; she had a positive working relationship, a good income and an apartment that she shared with several roommates. Everything was going well for her until the news hit, and then suddenly, nothing was.

The apartment that she shared with the others was both large and expensive, and until a couple of hours ago, she would have considered it a sign of her success. Now she was sitting in her room, staring at the mirror, wondering how she would make the rent.

Rebecca’s New Life (M/F) (BDSM) (Bondage) (Slave) (Auction) (Commission) (Toys) (FemSub)

Part One: Becoming His Property

As the strange men gripped her firmly by the elbows, Rebecca knew she had made a terrible mistake. She could not see; there was a leather hood which had been tied down around her head. It had no slits for eyes, and the dark fabric was pressed up against her face. The only opening was for her mouth, allowing her to breathe.

Other than this, she wore nothing at all. Her heart danced madly as she was escorted into the darkness. She did not know where she was going though she had a good guess. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, shackles bound her legs together so that she couldn’t move far or fast. She could feel the presence of the escorts, tough no-nonsense men who guided her forwards roughly with their hands.

The cold air brushed against her naked body, inspiring chills and visions of what was to come. Her body clinked with every step. Her bare feet slapped against the wooden floor. She was being led up. Up towards the auction block where her fate would be decided. Inside, she felt a bubbling mixture of terror, disbelief and a shameful undercurrent of anticipation.

Dreaming of Chains and Whips (Female, Fantasies, Masturbation, BDSM)

The sound of the running water filled the bathroom. Wafting plumes of heavy steam rose up from the tub, coiling and curling about her body as she observed herself in the mirror.

Her name was Clara Ellison, and she was pretty normal on the face of it. Of course, she knew that most people would describe themselves as pretty normal. It would be weird not to, right? Or then again, maybe she was just fooling herself and she wasn’t normal at all? What really was normal anyway?

Clara sighed and tried to start again.

Her name was Clara Ellison and she was – as far as anyone else knew – a pretty normal girl. She’d only recently turned eighteen, she lived with her parents in a small town on the edge of nowhere. She’d done okay in school. She was no genius but she had gotten by. She had friends, goals, and her whole life ahead of her.

According to her family, her future was so bright that it was shining but she suspected that would have said that anyway. Clara had one great talent, but she was self-aware enough to know that it wasn’t her intelligence,

Looking for Trouble at the Office (M/F)(Dominance)(Semale Submission)(Office)

Lucy had been working at the office for a year when she started to hear the rumours. They were very hush-hush, involving a manager who had made certain advances on a secretary. Advantages of the sort which would have seen him quickly expelled from the company if not for his family’s wealth and position. Even so, he’d been busted down as far as they could send him and the secretary in question had gotten away with a fat pile of money on the promise to breathe not a word of it to anyone.

Somehow though, word had gotten out. No one seemed to know quite which manager it was, though there were always theories and many of the female workers started to walk more cautiously around their superiors. It was not a happy time, nor a place to let down your guard. In fact, for a normal person it would have been stressful and hellish.

But Lucy had always known that she wasn’t a normal person. Her first reaction upon hearing the rumour had not been horror or repulsion, but a guilty sense of desire. Her first thought hadn’t been sympathy for the poor secretary, but something rather more selfish.