Trouble with cloning!

[Ah shoot forgot to tag, this is non-con and dark!]

*‘Cloning is such a messy process,’*’ thinks Tanya. So easy to do wrong. She looks down at her creator, unconscious on the ground, a small trickle of blood dripping from the injection site. Completely naked, since Tanya needed some clothes herself.

Tanya didn’t regret her choices. Not at all. After all, she was only protecting herself. She was much too dangerous to let walk free, knowing what she knew. The only reasonable action would be to kill her, and she wasn’t about to let that happen.

The act was simple. Her creator had a rather interesting side to her, soft and vulnerable in contrast to the unmatched steel she showed the rest of the world. Her weakness would be her downfall, of course. Tanya wasn’t supposed to get her creator’s memories. But to create the personality template, she’d scanned her own mind, and trimmed away what she didn’t want her clone to have…

A Very Close Encounter [Alien] [Tentacles] [Dubcon?]

A loud *thud* startles Cassandra “Eris” Thompson mid-moan, making her choke and gasp, then groan in frustration. Pulling her hand from between her legs, she pauses the video displaying over her screen. “What the fuck now?” She shouts. She’d been so close, dammit!

Wiping her hand off on the side of her comfy shorts, she pulls up her system check, running it twice, just in case. The engine was sparking again, dammit. She had to get it repaired, soon. She turns to the AI recorder on her left. “Port engine’s sparking again. Log Repair attempt #13. Reduce acceleration and amp power to asteroid repeller.” A small beep is the only response, affirmative.

Traveling through the field like this was technically illegal, but it was much easier than going through the official channels. You just had to keep everything tip-top shape. Eris sighs as she pulled on her space suit. It was an older model, bulkier than the more modern design. Total mood killer, seeing herself in it on the side of her ship. Necessary of course, losing her engine could leave her stranded. But still.