Would love feedback. Thanks all!
Hotel Pleasure
I lost my wife 20 years ago, we never had kids. I retired from an airplane manufacture plant a few years ago and bought a small hotel in a small town in southern Oregon. I got the hotel for a steal, the previous owners had divorced and just wanted to be rid of it. I figured it would be a good way to make few bucks and keep me busy. The hotel has 10 rooms plus an apartment for me above the check in lobby, I’m sure you’ve all seen the set up. The hotel has a pool in front of the lobby but it wasn’t functioning when I bought the place. I spent a few bucks on paint and trim, tried to make the place look nice and updated the rooms with new TV’s, beds and fixtures where needed. I was gonna fix the pool but decided against it when I got the estimate, new pump, filter, scrub out and chemical balance was gonna be a few grand. Instead I laid out cash for internet and a website so people could get their rooms without talking to anyone, it’s a brave new world.