A Vacation of the Fourth Kind [Fiction] [MMF]

The cool midnight air blew over Chris’s convertible as he cruised along the country roads. He was driving back to the hotel with his beautiful wife Ella after the two had spent a lovely evening by the coast having dinner. The two intended to return long before the summer sun had set but the food at the restaurant was exquisite and the atmosphere so welcoming, neither of them had realised the time until the restaurant shut at midnight. The roads on which they drove stretched on for miles, twisting and winding around the shape of the hills with the car’s headlights the only source of light for miles around.

As Chris drove he felt Ella’s hand on his leg, dangerously close to his crotch.

“What do you think you are doing?” Chris asked coyly.

“Thank you for a lovely evening.” Ella replied as her hand moved up to Chris’s belt. She slowly unbuckled the belt, followed quickly by the button on his trousers. After tugging at the zipper, Ella pulled down the front of Chris’s boxer shorts to see he cock already semi hard and swelling in size. Before playing with his cock, Ella reached into her bag and removed something from it that she intended to use. As Chris’s eyes were fixed on the road ahead of them, he felt a soft material wrap around his cock before Ella began to jerk him off. Chris peered down as his wife’s hand playing with his cock to see a pair of her panties wrapped around his member.

Elizabeth’s Haunting – Part One [Fiction] [MF]

The wind howled while the rain lashed at Elizabeth’s window as she lay awake in her bed. She hoped that the first night in her new house would be a good one and that she would fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. This turned out to not be the case. She wondered whether it was the sound of the ghastly weather or the stress of moving that kept her awake but she didn’t think so, it was something else. Some felt off but she couldn’t quite figure out. She knew all of the doors were locked and she was the only person in the house but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t alone.

Elizabeth lived on her own prior to purchasing her new home. She owned a crappy one bed apartment for years while she saved up the money to move into a proper house. After months of searching she managed to find a three bedroom detached house in the suburbs. The house itself was for sale at well below the expected market price but Elizabeth wasn’t going to argue, the house itself looked amazing and the survey came back with glowing results. Only when she went digging into the area did she finally realise why the house was so cheap. Several decades ago, the house was owned by a young man who tragically died in burglary gone wrong, the house had never sold because the locals believed it to be haunted.

‘Twas The Night Before Christmas [MF] [Fiction]

Miranda stepped out of the shower and began to towel herself off. This was her first Christmas alone since her husband’s deployment schedule changed. She checked all of the doors were locked and turned off all of the lights before bed. Once she was finished, she crawled into bed and stared up at the ceiling, longing for her husband’s embrace while stronger the head of her Golden Retriever, Rex. Before long she fell asleep. She slept for a few hours before she was awoken by a bang coming from downstairs. Hearing what could be an intruder, she donned her dressing gown to head downstairs and confront whoever it was. Miranda dressed in such haste that she did not even fasten her dressing gown. She slowly creep down the stairs, she knew that the noise came from the living room so she carefully opened the door to peer at the intruder who broke into her house. As she opened the door to create a small crack, she could see a man stood in the middle of the room facing the Christmas tree. The man stood around six feet tall and wore a bright red coat with matching trousers. He turned towards the door and as he did so Miranda got a look at his face and his bushy white beard came into view.

The Brightlight Chronicles – Chapter Two [Fantasy Fiction] [MMF] [MF]

Olivia placed down her scrying crystal and let out a frustrated sigh.

“How is it possible that this infernal dragon is still able to hide himself from me? From me?!” She grumbled angrily. “I’m going to need more power to break his cloak. I need blood magic, some small woodland creature or even a human is not going to cut it, it’s going to have be something stronger.”

As Olivia prepared the teleportation spell for her departure, she heard the cries of Cassus’ orgasm denial torture coming from the dungeon. She chuckled to herself as she imagined her statues pleasuring her house guest knowing full well that no matter how much his cock is stroked, he would never cum. Still beaming with pride over the punishment she devised, she stepped onto the glowing platform and disappeared in a flash.

The Lady of Constance Keep Part 2 [Fiction] [MMF]

Natasha lay motionless on the floor of the dungeon contemplating the events that had just taken place. She had just allowed a lowborn man to fuck her. A man snuck into her home to steal her possessions and he was rewarded not with his head being removed but by being allowed to lay with the lady of the keep. After a few moments regaining her breath and raised herself to a seated position. Looking around at her squalid surroundings, the keys on the floor by the door caught her eye. “I need to get back to my chambers.” She thought. Quickly, Natasha darted towards the door, scooping the keys off the floor and peering out to see if the sleeping guard had awoken from his drunken stupor. He had not, and the way was clear. She locked the door to the dungeons behind her and placed the keys back on the table where she had found them, now no one would know of the debauchery that had just taken place beneath their very noses. Bunching the front of her dress together to cover her breasts, Natasha moved silently throughout the corridors until she approached the entrance to her chambers. She stood around the corner from her door where the guards stood.

The Lady of Constance Keep [Fiction] [MF]

Lady Natasha Tannis is the wife of Lord Reginald Tannis, she is a woman of forty three years, all of which were good to her, leaving her with youthful looks and a body to rival women half her age. Natasha was only of average height, her voluptuous body and stunning good looks turned they eye of every nobleman in the region. She had long blonde hair descending past her shoulder and her eyes were a mesmerising shade of blue. Lord Reginald was one of the most influential men in the entire kingdom, controlling swathes of land in the Nerrick Forest and the surrounding regions. Being a man of such import took a great toll on their marriage as his presence was so often required elsewhere, tending to his interests. She remembers the day she was told she would be wed to Reginald, wed into the family of Tannis. Her family’s assets were by no means modest, but when compared to the vast sum the Tannis family commanded, she may as well have been a pauper. It was what every Lord in the kingdom dreamt of, marrying their daughter to a man whose wealth and status exceeded their own, but this was Reginald Fucking Tannis, The man’s family shit gold. In his youth he was the most desirable man in the kingdom; he was tall, handsome, rich and had more influence than any other family, save those of royal birth. A man who was such an ideal husband could surely have nothing in the way of short comings, could he?

The Brightlight Chronicles – Chapter One (Fantasy Fiction)

As one of the most powerful sorceresses in the entire world, everyone the world over knows the name Olivia Brightlight. Olivia stood tall at six feet, her slender frame supported by a pair of the most graceful and elegant legs to walk the Empire. Her long hair flowing down to her shoulders was a beautiful shade of brown, a shade that was mirrored in her eyes that sparkled like gems freshly polished. For the last year and half Olivia had been working on a way to kill the ancient red dragon, Abaddon. Olivia spent most of her time in seclusion in her tower in the mountains, only venturing out when in need of something her tower did not possess.

A lack of supplies necessitated a visit to the local town to resupply. As she left the apothecary early one morning after collecting her supplies, Olivia stood outside and raised her hand to the sky. With her hand held aloft, blue sparks danced around her fingers and palm as she cast her recall spell teleporting her instantly back to her tower. The visit of a powerful sorceress to the town did not go unnoticed, it drew the attention of Cassus. Cassus was a vile man, he was wanted in countless areas of the empire. A villain in every sense of the word, he had murdered, pillaged and raped his way across hundreds of miles of Imperial territory. Cassus saw her exit the apothecary and vanish into thin air. As Olivia disappeared before his eyes, his gaze drifted upwards until he saw her tower standing tall in the mountains.