Black Widow [FM, FF, BDSM]

^(()[^(I also performed this)](^(, which I feel is a much better representation of the work than the writing. But I do hope you enjoy!))

I knew what you wanted, the moment you walked in that first evening.

You brought your girl with you, and you both tittered about at the entrance of the club. Scared. Nervous. Excited. *Fresh meat.*

You were my favorite kind of prey.

I watched you from my usual spot, studying you both. The way the two of you interacted, the way she’d reach for you unconsciously as you wandered further in and toward the bar. So meek. So coy. She was intrigued, but all the latex and lingerie made her feel out of her element. She wasn’t comfortable in this place. Not comfortable in her skin. Not yet. Not until I was done with her.

Now you, you were her stability. You were nervous too, the tension in your spine told me that, but also…resolute. You wanted to be here. *You* were the reason you both had wandered into my lair.

I knew *exactly* what you wanted. But did you? That was my only question.