Making partner, part 1

Deirdre drummed her fingers on the desk again, glanced at her email, and then looked up for the thousandth time at the closed door to the conference room. She looked again at her watch.

45 minutes ago, Deirdre had given the biggest sales pitch of her life in front of her bosses and a contingent of executives from her firm’s biggest client. The entire account had been on the line and Deirdre felt like she’d nailed it. Hit it out of the park. When they dismissed her for some discussion, she was sure they’d be calling her back in any moment to share the good news. Instead, Deirdre had spent the last…46 minutes waiting for any sign at all of how things are going.


Her head snapped up to see the conference room door open just wide enough for Jack, her boss, to stick his head through.

“Deirdre, can you join us please?”

Jack had his poker face on, which didn’t make sense. Deirdre just *knew* her presentation was perfect. So what was the problem?

A fantasy fulfilled [MM] [MF] [MMF] [oral] [creampie]

Eric got out of his car and walked up to the front door of the bar. Nervously glancing both ways, he pulled the door open and went inside.

It was early afternoon and the bar was almost empty. He found the guy he was meeting immediately sitting by himself at a corner table and drinking a beer. They’d been chatting for months, but Eric had never seen the man’s face before. Eric didn’t even know his name.

Nervous, Eric walked up to join the man at the table. He sat down, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“Hi,” Eric said.


They sat in awkward silence for a moment. Eric placed an order with the waitress for his own beer and the man broke the silence as she walked away.

“So, show me that sexy milf of yours.”

Eric’s heart raced as he unlocked his phone, pulled up his photos and slide the phone across the table. He’d been fantasizing about this moment for years and here it was happening. In public. In a bar. This total stranger was seeing his wife’s pictures, which ranged from vanilla lingerie shots to some kinky totally nude ones.

A family gathering

Mary turned the minivan into onto her parents’ street and pulled to a stop. The 3-hour drive to visit her family had been exhausting and she was looking forward to relaxing with a glass of wine and catching up with her sisters.

The kids were unbuckled and out of the car as soon as the engine was off. Bolting up the drive and weaving in between the parked cars, they raced to the backyard immediately in search of their cousins. Mary and her husband, Rob, moved more slowly towards the front door.

Mary knew how tough these visits were on Rob. She took his hand in hers, squeezed, and said “I love you,” just as the front door swung open to reveal Mary’s father.

Tom looked the perfect grandfather with his sweater, khakis, bushy grey hair….and massive erection tenting his pants. He nodded to Rob and then broke into a grin as his eyes swiveled to Mary.

“Well, “ he said, “if it isn’t my favorite daughter!”

Mary wasn’t fooled. “Jesus, dad!” she said, pointing to his crotch, “Already?! I just spent 3 hours on the road. You couldn’t have had somebody else help you with that? Mom…Katie…Aunt Gina? Hell, Mikey could have taken care of you. It has to be me?”

Sarah’s pussy pays the bills, part 4: what about John?

“Seriously, though, what’s his deal?” Sarah whispered to Pete.

She sat in her office chair in her room, kneels curled up against her chest and a glass of wine in her hand. She wore boring, but comfortable, panties and a bra and her hair was still wet and wrapped in a towel.

Pete had come to check on her after she’d showered following her latest appointment. It was a fairly standard client: a little striptease followed by a blowjob then a quick and (for Sarah) unsatisfying fuck.

Somehow, their conversation had turned to their roommate, John, who neither of them had seen in at least 48 hours.

“I mean, he still lives here, right?” Sarah continued, “the guy hasn’t said word one to me in days.”

“Yeah,” Pete agreed, standing up to refill his glass from the now half-empty bottle on Sarah’s dresser. “He seems like a cool enough dude from the, like, twenty minutes total I’ve spent talking to him.”

Pete dropped back down into the futon, resting and taking in an eyeful of Sarah’s mostly naked body and the way it was casually contorted into her chair. She’d become much more comfortable with her body lately and Pete, for one, welcomed the change.

Help me be a better writer

I’d really like to find a woman (you don’t have to verify, I’ll take your word for it) who can help me write better from a female character’s perspective. I’ve written [a]( [few]( [things]( recently that don’t come off quite right. They come off like what a man thinks a woman might be thinking and feeling.

It would be great to have somebody give me a woman’s thoughts on my writing and maybe some ideas to improve. I’m looking for a longterm thing and I’m open to writing something together if we click.

Sarah’s pussy pays the bills, part 3: a first time for everything

“Hommm my doinngm?”

“What’s that?” Faith asked.

“I said,” said Sarah, lifting her mouth from Faith’s mound and looking up at her from between her lightly tanned thighs, “How am I doing?” Sarah slide a hand between Faith’s legs to rub her clit while her mouth took a break. “I’ve never eaten pussy before.”

“You’re doing great. Don’t stop!”

Faith let her head fall back onto the pillow as Sarah buried herself in the young woman’s pussy again.

Faith was 20. She had been studying for a business degree at an exclusive East Coast college until the pandemic forced her back home with her parents. She was an attractive brunette with shoulder-length hair, a pair of perky C cups that Sarah had spent some time massaging earlier in the afternoon, and was well proportioned even though she’d never quite managed to lose the freshman 15 after she’d put it on. She was also, unbeknownst to her parents, a lesbian.

Sarah’s pussy pays the bills part 2: her pussy pays Pete’s bills too

Sarah sang quietly to herself to calm her nerves while she straightened up her room and waited for her first appointment. She wore the same robe she’d worn when she first went to Pete, drunk, horny, and depressed about her finances.

So much had changed in the two weeks since. For one thing, her momentary lapse in judgement hadn’t ruined her life. As wonderful as Pete’s bare cock had felt, Sarah regretted her decision to let him inside her unprotected as soon as she’d sobered up. Fortunately, she hadn’t gotten pregnant. *I’m NEVER doing that again,* she swore to herself as she swept some random junk into a dresser drawer and took stock of her room.

Pete was an even better salesman than Sarah had realized. Just a couple of days after her first time with him, he convinced her that she had a unique business opportunity.

“Come on, Sarah,” Pete had said, “like half the people in this building work at the hospital, right? That means there are a bunch of horny guys in this building, mostly stuck at home with their wives, who could use a convenient….outlet for their urges. Just logistically, you’ve got a lock on this market.”

Sarah’s pussy pays the bills

Sarah sighed as she lounged on the couch, paging through a catalog she’d plucked from underneath the pile of bills on the coffee table. She’d taken to wearing a robe, even in the living room, no longer caring that the two roommates she’d met on craigslist would see her like that. She also didn’t care that she’d spent the morning drinking screwdrivers to “celebrate” her status as one of the newly unemployed.

The three of them had been living together for just a couple of months when the quarantine hit and they’d been total strangers to each other before Sarah had posted looking for someone to help her afford the perfect 3 bedroom apartment downtown.

John was cute in a nerdy sort of way. He didn’t come out of his room much these days, so Sarah didn’t think he’d even notice her laying on the couch in a bathrobe. Pete was cute in a more traditional way. Sarah knew he worked in sales or something. He was on the phone all day lately, so it seemed like he was still managing to work from home. *Lucky bastard*, she thought as she added up her meager savings, subtracted the bills she had to pay, and got more depressed.

Natalie’s consolation impregnation

Natalie swirled the wine in her glass, nodding absentmindedly as Frank told his story. It wasn’t that she didn’t care except that, well, she guessed that she actually didn’t care.

“Honey,” Natalie said, interrupting something about how Frank’s client was a moron. “I’ve got to use the restroom. Back in a sec.”

Natalie stood up, picked up her purse, and walked across the restaurant. She rounded a corner into the hallway leading to the restrooms and placed her hand on the door to the ladies room. Before she could push it open, she was distracted by quiet sobbing from further down the hall.

Turning, Natalie saw a young guy. He looked to be in his late teens or early 20s. He wore a black suit that was too big for him and had his head in his hands. A look of compassion crossed Natalie’s face as she pivoted and walked towards the young man.

“Is everything OK?” she asked as he looked up at the sound of her heels clicking on the floor.

He looked up, his eyes moist and red. For a moment he seemed lost, but he quickly regained some composure.