The best day of my 9-5 ( PART 2 )

*My god, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me.*

I was staring straight into perfection. With her legs ajar, I could see her lips spread open to reveal the opening where I had been dreaming of sticking my cock ever since the mornings train ride. I could feel the warmth emanating onto my cheek like hot breath as if I had just entered the humid tropics.

My face was being drawn in, it was hypnotic and I had lost all control of my motor functions. Not even meditation could give such clarity of mind, I had one thought and one thought only, I needed to taste her. I wanted to tease her, to remain composed and show her that now I was running the show. I wanted to make her squirm with anticipation and beg for me to give her my tongue.

This was what I wanted, but what I did was very different.

The best day of my 9-5 ( PART 1 )

Ten years, ten god damn years I have been coming to this same crappy dead end job. The same day in, day out routine, working a 9-5 that barely covers the rent just so I can continue living this miserable existence. The most exciting thing that happens in this office is when someone finally reaches their breaking point, snaps and tells one of the managers to go fuck themselves in a blaze of glory.

Today, however, was not a normal day. Sure, everything started similar enough but for the first time in my career, I was at the office and didn’t want to finish early.

My days run like clockwork. I wake up at 6am and drag myself out of bed, I make myself a black coffee and sit in the kitchen trying to convince myself to go to work instead of jumping out the window. Once the coffee has entered my bloodstream and my self-loathing subsides enough for me to accept my fate, I chuck on my suit and make my way to the office.

From Across The Room

A few weeks ago, I received a knock on my front door from one of my neighbors. They were a young attractive couple, in their late twenties I think, we hadn’t had much interaction outside of the occasional casual greeting when we saw each other. They wanted to let me know that they were hosting a house party and asked if I wanted to come along. I am not one for parties usually, but after having spent practically two years indoors with minimal social interaction I figured it was about time I got out the house and they seemed like cool people so I thought fuck it, why not. When I turned up I had already had a few drinks in some vain attempt to prime myself for socialising. I was usually pretty extroverted but after having been out the game for a while I was pretty nervous about going somewhere where I didn’t know anyone. The couple who invited me greeted me at the door, I handed them some booze I had brought along and they showed me in. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I guessed from their age and the fact they had invited a random neighbor that it wasn’t going to be an intimate gathering. I didn’t expect it to be as busy as it was though, practically every inch of floor space was occupied by someone but I managed to squeeze past and get to the kitchen. I felt a lot more awkward than usual so I made a beeline to get myself another drink and found a corner with enough space for me to chill for a while while I figured out what I was going to do. I didn’t want to be that guy who just stood there not talking to anyone but it seemed like everyone already knew each other, clusters of people had begun to form and I just felt like an outsider. I was looking out across the sea of people, scoping out a potential opening into one of the groups or for someone else on their own. As my eyes panned over all the new faces I saw someone looking over in my direction. I dismissed it at first, but when I looked back over in her direction we locked eyes and it was clear she was looking directly at me. I am used to approaching women I am interested in and laying down game but I am not typically the guy who gets girls approaching him. This was different though, I could see it in her eyes, she knew what she wanted and was giving me a look that verged on predatory. I wanted to play it cool and pretend I hadn’t noticed, that is what you are meant to do right? Before I had a chance to look back some guy tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a beer, asked my name and how I knew the couple. I rushed through answering his questions and looked back over to where she was but she had disappeared. The guy continued to ask questions and push for conversation but all I could think about was finding where this girl had gone. He was a nice guy and I guess I was being an asshole but I couldn’t help but give short uninterested replies, my mind was possessed with thoughts of this girl and I had suddenly lost all interest in socialising with anyone. I wasn’t about to go chasing after her though, so I snapped myself out of it and returned my focus back to our conversation. The night continued and I met loads more people, played a few games of beer pong but she hadn’t left my mind all night. I kept looking out across the people hoping I might catch a glimpse of her face despite repeatedly telling myself to just forget about her and enjoy the rest of my night.