(F/F)I watched the reflection of my own body gyrate…Leah’s head peaked around from the side of my hips to meet my eyes in the mirror, exaggerated licking my ass cheek. She winked irreverently, “I knew you liked to watch”, and snugged a third finger into my cunt that almost made me lose my footing

Leah seemed to be everyone’s mutual friend and had a huge personality that was only upstaged by her short, curly mop of hair she could only tame by tying back with a scarf. She was known to enjoy her generational wealth by throwing lavish dinner parties off campus in a quaint old home nestled in the quiet cobblestone district.

After getting my number through a friend and us instantly hitting it off, Leah began to invited me to her coveted dinner parties. This particular night, we planned on getting dressed and pre-gaming a bit before the guests arrived. After several weeks of what I interpreted as flirting, I was a tiny bit disappointed when she said she was going to set me up tonight with a handsome friend of hers, Cody. Our friendship still felt intense and important to me, and I secretly hoped that getting involved with her friend would buy me more time in her orbit.