Edit: sorry if this is a repeat post. I created a throwaway account to post it and in my eagerness, didn’t see the rule about posts getting deleted if accounts are less than a day old.
Just some quick back story for context. I grew up in an area with a heavy military presence but never really gave it much thought. It was just the norm to have friends with parents in the military, to see people in uniform out and about, to have special events related to the military, etc. Never thought I would develop the kink I have now haha.
I went away to college and then ended up moving back to the area after graduation. Signed up for tinder and soon started dating this great guy who happened to be in the navy. I didn’t think too much of it. It was just his job, like any other job. But somewhere along the way, as I got to know him better and see him in his uniform more often, I realized how attracted I was to uniform and the devilish attitude he had gotten from the serving in the navy. Maybe he would’ve had that attitude regardless if he had joined the navy or not, but I attributed it to his work and the people he spent his time with and I liked it. Read more »