Discovering Pleasure

Due to the time difference, conversations with my family back in India happen late at night. It was about 10:30 pm. As we laid on my bed watching friends, my heart was nearly palpitating. There was approximately five inches between Lexa and I. I made sure to follow her lead as we watched “Friends,” laughing when appropriate, making small talk during lapses in the show. I couldn’t believe I was alone with a person I was attracted to in my bed. *I’m definitely leaving a five star review for Bumble* I chuckled to myself.

As if she sensed my infatuation, Lexa scooted closer to me, resting her hand on my abdomen. She began to trace small patterns with her fingertips on my stomach, and I began to notice heat and warmth forming in my pants. Her soft fingertips began to trace lower, and lower, until the reached my zipper. This genital heat and warmth was reciprocated on my face as I began to blush at her advances. At that moment, my phone rang. It was my mom. Rattled from this advancement, I awkwardly mumbled, “I’m sorry I must get this. My mom will worry.” She smiled slyly and nodded, albeit not moving her fingers from the zipper area of my pants. “Hello?” I said, feigning normalcy. “Hi Chaitra! Is now a good time to talk? I know you must be so busy!”