[MF]. baby steps with wife after years of hinting

I’ve always been trying to plant the seed that I like when she flirts with other guys. About a week ago, during sex, I brought up my fantasies and kinky desires I have with her . She got upset and we fought. I laid it all out and explained that my fantasies are important to me and it’s important to me to share them with her. She resisted and debated with me. She didn’t like the direction or the discussion was going. But she did ask me questions about my feelings and the things I brought up as the week progressed.

But then, last night, this happened:

Last night, we went to a concert with family. Traffic was really bad as we approached the stadium. My wife volunteered to continue with the car in the traffic until she could park while the rest of us walked the rest of the way to the stadium so we wouldn’t miss the opening of the concert. She was so selfless.

She finally got to our seats after the 6th song. I thought she’d be tired and frustrated. Instead she was in an amazing mood.