Good Girl Gone Wrong Ch. 02 (Oral, Gloryhole, Mast, First Time)

Six years ago she’d been a perfectly average eighteen year old high school senior. Beth had been a late bloomer, and after years of keeping the boys away with a mouth full of metal she was practically an innocent until she’d finally gotten them removed. Not that that’s what she wanted of course, but none of the boys in her class seemed to have much interest in her after the first or second date. Even after she’d dated a few guys, she hadn’t gone all the way with anyone. She had sucked Billy Haskin’s dick after the spring dance, so things were looking up though.

Then one day during lunch she was relaxing under the shade of an old cottonwood while her current boyfriend was out of town for a baseball game, and she heard a conversation that would change the rest of her life.

“No, I’m serious,” the high pitched girl said, making Beth’s ears perk up as she put down her phone.

“No – that’s not” another girl started.

It’s A Sin Part 3 (Nosex, lesbian fantasies, vouyerism, flashbacks, masterbation)

Ivy tried to pretend that things were normal. That nothing had changed, but after that night with Brian nothing was the same. Well – nothing but how Anna haunted her mind no matter what she did. Saturday came as a blessed relief to the looks she was getting at school now and the rumors that swarmed around her worse than ever. Whether they were rumors that she was gay or rumors that she was a slut depended on the clique and the person telling the story. That awful night was supposed to fix all of these swirling problems in her life, but it only made things worse for her. To top it off she still hadn’t had her period yet, though she probably wouldn’t actually be late until Monday or Tuesday. It was a nightmare, but one she did her best to ignore as she kept her ‘everything is fine’ smile on in front of her family and friends at all times.
She spent as much of the morning in bed as she could but by ten the heat was oppressive and her siblings were getting annoying, so after a little makeup she dug out a swimsuit, got on her bike, and went to the community pool to do a little tanning.
“Where do you think you’re going,” her mom asked when she was about to slip out of the door.
“I’m just going to the pool to cool off mom,” Ivy responded, rolling her eyes before she turned around to face her parent. She could be so nosy sometimes, and nothing really pleased her. If Ivy stayed in her room all day her mother would complain about how antisocial she was being, but if she went out, suddenly she needed to know every last detail.
“Off to meet some boy?” her mother teased, lowering her voice conspiratorially so it was too quiet for her other siblings to hear.
“No mother – of course not. I’m just going to do some laps and then tan until it cools off a bit.” she replied, trying to keep the annoyance out of her voice. She was eighteen now – an adult – but her parents still insisted on treating her like a child.
“Alright…” her mom said, letting the word linger like she didn’t really believe there wasn’t an alternative motive to the whole thing. “Well be back before dinner okay hun? I love you.”
“I love you too mom,” Ivy said, before disappearing out the door.
The sun was already scorching by the time Ivy started riding, and she couldn’t imagine doing anything in this heat that didn’t involve shade or water. If it was going to be hot today, she might as well enjoy it. That Anna worked as a lifeguard at the pool some days had nothing to do with it, she was sure – she probably didn’t even work today, Ivy told herself as she locked up her bike outside.
Even though Brian’s words continued to haunt her, locker rooms were one of the reasons that Ivy knew she wasn’t gay. He could call her a dyke and a lesbian all he wanted, but she’d changed around women her whole life, and she never had the urge to stare. She didn’t linger and check out the other girls either, unless it was to see what a particularly popular girl might be wearing or something. That was totally normal though. The one piece suit that she’d brought with her today was technically modest when she’d bought it last year, but if her mother saw how it fit her now she’d probably give it to goodwill. It was a marble printed one piece in swirling blues and grays that was a little tighter on her than it used to be. It was a lot tighter than it used to be on top and it made her breasts look nicer than any bra she owned, even giving her a tiny bit of cleavage which she secretly loved though she pretended not to notice it when one of her friends pointed it out.
The pool itself was pretty packed, because it turned out everyone else with nothing to do had the same idea about today, so instead of doing much swimming, Ivy found a lounge and basked in the sun. Having to actually do anything in the sun was awful, but laying here being caressed by it for a while wasn’t so bad. As she got settled, she made a quick scan of the place but didn’t see the object of her obsession anywhere, which was fine. It was a long shot anyway. Instead Ivy laid back like she was going to take a nap and put on the pair over oversized sunglasses she’d brought with her. They were her favorite for trips to the pool like this, but not because of the sun.
Her favorite thing to do at the pool was people watch. It was a small town, so she knew most of the people and she loved to watch all the small dramas like it was her favorite netflix series. Who was wearing what suit, and flirting with who. You’d think that with so many of the people dating the same people for so long that those things wouldn’t change – but they did more than you would think. Of course it also gave her the perfect chance to watch the guys check her out. It was the reason she’d come to love this suit so much, because it made them focus on her so much more. She might not actually want much to do with guys, but Ivy loved feeling desired by them, and today, with everything that was going on, she needed that desire more than ever.
There was just something so powerful and sensual about seeing a guy here with his girlfriend staring at her tight young body so much that he had trouble tearing his eyes away from her, or funnier still, getting caught. That happened now and then, and the hardest part of this whole game for Ivy was keeping a straight face when it did. All the attention in the world couldn’t keep her thoughts cheerful forever though. After nearly an hour she rolled over to tan her back. In the darkness of putting her head down all the darkness of the week returned to her, and all the positivity she’d been wearing fell away.
She could deny it to herself all she wanted, but deep down she knew that she’d been raped at that party on Tuesday. She hadn’t gone to the police because she knew she could never prove it, but knowing and proving were very different things. The pain of being ripped open had faded by Friday, and when the worry faded when she finally had her time of the month in the next few days she could finally pretend that the whole thing had never happened. She doubted very much that even that wall of denial would keep the sadness entirely at bay. How could it? It had leaked through all the defenses she’d tried so far including: ‘I might not have wanted it, but I definitely enjoyed it’, ‘at least I know I’m not gay now,’ ‘it was God’s punishment for my sinful thoughts’, and ‘almost no one actually waits until marriage anymore – my husband will understand.’
They were all fine arguments, but none of them took away the way she felt sad or dirty all the time. She was nothing but used goods now. She would have continued into her downward spiral for another twenty minutes at least but something else slowly dawned on her: she was getting wet. It was hardly the first time this week that reliving her rape had arroused her, but it was the first time it had happened while she was wearing a swimsuit, especially one that darkened noticibly when it got wet… Ivy rolled over and sat up, unsurprised but deeply mortified to see a dark spot on her crotch. She hadn’t originally intended to go swimming today, but now she kind of had to. Nonchalantly she folded up her towel on her chair and put her sunglasses on it before walking slowly to the diving board.
Suddenly the game of watching everyone stare at her was a lot less fun. It had been thrilling to watch the boys stare at her tits, or to see other girls look approvingly at her swimsuit choice, but the idea that they might see her like this… a girl with a wet spot that hadn’t gone anywhere near the water in hours… That was truely mortifying. So she walked slowly across the sidewalk and waited in line to use the board like she didn’t have a care in the world even though her body flushed with shame at the warm slick feeling, and that made the already slow line seem like it was taking forever. When she finally got on the board she didn’t try to do anything fancy. She just did a simple forward dive into the water, and then glided down low enough that she could just about touch the bottom as she cut through the water before she came up for air. It was graceful enough that no one noticed, though getting her hair out of her eyes as she broke the surface was remarkably less so. Still the problem had been solved. She’d instantly transformed herself from a slut that got wet at the memory of her own rape into just another swimmer with one quick dive.
Ivy swam a while longer – doing half a dozen laps to cool off after her tan so no one would think anything of her behavior before she tired of it. She wasn’t much of a swimmer, and now that the worst heat of the day had passed she’d rather be back home on her phone in front of a fan than getting chlorine in her eyes. So she exited the pool and went to the locker room for a quick change to ride home so she could shower and all that. At least that was the plan until she saw Anna changing to get ready for work and her mouth went dry.
Ivy felt a stab of sudden shyness as she started to remove her shoulder straps. Normally changing in front of strangers didn’t matter, but this one… Ivy turned around and pretended not to notice that she was practically alone in the women’s changing area with her crush as she got undressed. She only got the bathing suit to her waist though before she heard Anna say, “Well look who it is.”
Ivy turned around and pretended to be surprised, “Oh my Gosh Anna – what are you doing here?” Faking the surprise was easy – keeping eye contact instead of looking down at her eighteen year old classmate’s chest while she stood there in only her underwear was much harder, but somehow Ivy managed.
“I actually work here,” Anna said, holding up the red bathing suit of a lifeguard. “What about you?” When Anna bent down to pick up her suit, Ivy let her eyes roam the body of her crush with reckless abandonment for a few seconds, wandering along her thighs and hips, her breasts, and the nape of her neck. She’d never known that Anna had such well defined tan lines or such large nipples, but now that she did know, it would be impossible to forget.
“I just needed a break from the fam. You know. Somewhere where I wouldn’t roast,” Ivy said, averting her gaze while she sat down and pulled her suit all the way off. “So it was this or the library.”
“Well I think you made the right choice,” Anna said, pulling off her panties while she stood five feet from Ivy, practically forcing her to look at her shaved vagina while she acted like it was no big deal. This was killing Ivy though. One girl got dressed while the other put on her suit and each pretended like there was no attraction here – but Ivy could feel it, and she was sure Anna could feel it too.
“Tanning is always the right choice,” Ivy said, and they both laughed at that as they both focused on getting dressed
“Well, it was good seeing you again,” Anna said finally as she finished first and started to walk away.
“You too. Maybe I’ll see you around.” Ivy answered still in her underwear, immediately regretting the lame response. Of course she’d see her around. They went to the same school and had some of the same friends. It came off as so desperate and clingy.
Those doubts and feelings of self hatred evaporated though when Anna turned around briefly and flashed a smile. “I’d like that,” she said. Just like that, everything was better. Ivy dressed and was halfway home before she realized she should have tried to get her snap, but even that was a forgivable mistake. She was surprised she’d kept it together as well as she did when she’d been so close to Anna’s naked breasts. Forgetting to find out something she could get at school wasn’t nearly as bad as any of the things that could have happened.
At home Ivy managed the heroic feat of keeping her hands off of her sex while she took a shower, and the rest of the day was so much better than she thought it would be, even with her stupid sibilings bothering her, as her mind went back to her crushes body again and again. Once the sun set and she was alone in her bed it became almost impossible not to touch herself at least a little bit while her conflicted feelings about what Brian had done to her mixed with the way Anna’s naked body had made her feel.
Slowly her right hand wandered down her flat stomach and toward her special place as she imagined what it would be like if her imaginary lover forced herself on her and started to kiss her way down to her panties. It was a hot fantasy – hot enough to make her touch herself for the first time even though she knew it would give her one more thing to pray for forgiveness for in church tomorrow. Compared to sex before marriage though, a little masturbation hardly seemed to count.
Ivy wasn’t surprised that she’d ultimately given in to this temptation, but she was surprised just how wet her encounter today had made her. Her poor little vagina was positively soaked as she slid a finger inside it. She could just imagine what Brian would say if he saw her like this. “Do you want me to fuck you until you’re straight again? I might need to bring a few friends considering what a total lesbo slut you are.” His words rang in her head as her imaginary lover attacked her clit with her pretty little mouth. It was too much, even as clumsy as Ivy’s fingers were, having never done this before it still felt unbelievably good. So good that she accidentally moaned out loud before immediately covering her mouth with her left hand to keep herself from making any more noise.
She knew she should stop, at least for a minute to make sure no one heard that, but she couldn’t. Right now it was physically impossible for Ivy to stop from fingering her pussy to the idea of Anna going down on her. It was such a vivid fantasy that it made her hate herself, but she still couldn’t bring herself to end it, or to try to imagine Brian fucking her instead. All she could do was add a second finger and bite down on her hand as she gasped in pleasure from the added stimulation. Her two fingers still weren’t as thick as the only cock that had ever been inside her, but they felt about a thousand times better as she wiggled them back and forth, trying to decide if it felt better to move them around or slide them in and out.
After a few more seconds she no longer hated herself for masturbating – instead she hated herself for not coming to the pool later in the day. If only she’d been there when they were closing. If it had just been Anna and Ivy in the women’s area while all the rest of the male lifeguards were in their own locker room then instead of playing with her own pussy, Anna might have pinned her against the shower wall, showing her just what pleasure really was as her fingers explored her sex and her mouth attacked her sensitive nipples. It was the wasted opportunity of a lifetime, and it was the image that she finally came to when her orgasm suddenly snuck up on her out of nowhere. One second she was trying to rub a part of her vagina that was rougher than the rest of her slick walls that was sort of under her pelvis, and the next moment her hips were bucking like she had a muscle spasm while she was whimpering helplessly at the uncontrollable sensations she’d unleashed from deep inside her.
This is why people do it. This is why people sin, she thought, as she struggled to stay silent through the maelstrom of pleasure. It was a near thing, but as she finally came down from the bliss that she’d unleashed, Ivy had made no more sounds louder than the heavy breathing she was doing now that it was over. She had no idea that touching herself like this could feel this good, but if she could make herself feel like this whenever she wanted to, it was going to be hard to say no to these urges in the future. Not nearly as hard as saying no to Anna if she was ever alone with her. Ivy knew that she shouldn’t want to be with another girl this badly, but something about her called to her, and she knew that she’d do anything to taste her.
She fell asleep lost in those thoughts and in the morning she woke up reeking of sex and sin. Twenty minute later she was dressed in a prim and proper ivory dress for church, but her thoughts weren’t as easy to clean up as her skin, and she spent half of the sermon reliving a combination of yesterday’s events and last night’s fantasies. It was hotter than it had any right to be, she thought as she squirmed in the pew, poisoned by the lust that had entered her life. Ivy didn’t bother to pray for forgiveness, because she knew that she was going to sin again tonight, and probably the night after that and the night after that until she could finally taste Anna again.

One Little Moan Part 4 (threeway, dubcon, breeding)

This work is part of my first short story collection available on Smashwords. Feel free to buy if you would like to support me, or read it here free if you can’t. Our Little Secret is a series of stories around the theme infidelity that contain my usual dark kinks of consent and breeding. Some of them you’ve already read before, and some you haven’t. Use code CK42V for the next week for 20% off at

Thank you, and enjoy the story.


After that day in the library, Taylor’s life was never the same. Most people that saw her never noticed a change, and she was grateful. She didn’t see how they could miss what she’d become as her lover kissed her hard, pressing her against the wall of the alley. This was her life now. No matter what she did, things always came back to this: Kevin taking what he wanted somewhere dangerously public, while she desperately tried not to scream in pleasure. She was grateful that at least here, over the pounding music of the club no one would hear her moaning. The alley might have been the least private place he’d attacked her so far, but at least no one could hear how much she liked it. It was cold comfort, but it would have to do if she couldn’t make him see reason and stop.

It’s a Sin – Part 1 (DubCon, Date Rape, Repressed Lesbian, Oral)

Ivy spent the whole morning trying to focus on her studies Monday, but it hadn’t helped any more than praying for forgiveness in her church the morning before. Nothing could put the guilt of what she’d done with Anna on Friday out of her mind. It hadn’t just been stupid – it had also been a sin. Even worse than either of those things was how good it had felt though. People had seen – they had to have. Even now they might be gossiping from one to the other that Ivy the Ice Queen had made out with another girl at a party. By the end of the week it would be all over school, and in a couple more weeks someone in her bible study group or one of her sisters might hear about it. She shuddered at the thought. She was an 18 year old senior in high school. People should be talking about how smart she was as a freaking honor student, or how well she’d done at the last track meet, not how hot she looked with Anna Palmer’s tongue in her mouth.

One Little Moan Part 3 (Exhibitionism, Creampie, Reluctant, Public)

Over the next few weeks Taylor did everything she could to avoid her own room. No matter how much she’d enjoyed her first sexual experience, the fear and shame always overwhelmed the lust whenever she thought back to it. Once her time of the month finally came, her relief overpowered even her shame though, and she vowed to do everything she could to avoid another pregnancy scare. She’d spent a week with that stone on her chest and now that she was finally free of pressure she never wanted to feel it again. The only way she could do that though was to avoid Kevin like her life depended on it.

It wasn’t just Kevin she was trying to avoid anymore though. Sure, he could drop by at any time, and there was always the risk that he might try to take advantage of her again if Sara wasn’t around. That wasn’t the only problem though. Lately Sara had been acting weird, and asking her probing questions even when he hadn’t been around for a day or two.

“So what kind of guys do you like, anyway,” she’d asked casually while watching tiktoks on her phone one day.

Good Girl Gone Wrong – Chapter 1 (MF, Rape, CNC)

The pounding music that blasted from the club was loud enough that the bass made the alley’s puddles ripple to the beat. It was so overwhelming that the people smoking by the back door had to shout to be heard. That was why she liked it here, Beth thought, as she took a drag from her cigarette and gazed down the dark alley. Everything in this city was so crowded that they were packed impersonally like canned goods in a store, one on top of the other. In her apartment she could hear practically everything her neighbors did, but not here. Here she couldn’t hear anything but the music. Here was the one place for blocks she couldn’t see hundreds of people going about their lives. Hidden by the darkness and the masonry walls, she was alone. She’d wandered far enough from the back door that she could almost see the soft dark underbelly of the urban wasteland that was the real world. In the throbbing music she finally had peace enough to enjoy the city lights, glowing in the background of the buildings that towered over her like an industrial aurora borealis.

Downfall – Chapter 7: The Queen (FF, Hermaphrodite, Change, Corruption, Futa, Erotic Horror)

This story is now complete, though if there is enough interest I will write a sequel. If you really enjoyed it and want more content, please consider buying the longer more polished version here: – you can use code VH74G for 20% off for the next week, and the ebook version includes an additional chapter not posted here as an epilogue. Thank you for all the feedback I’ve recieved so far and I’m sure I’ll start another project soon.


The drive back to town took twenty minutes, even at night on the nearly deserted highway, but Lisa didn’t remember any of it. One moment Margaret was leaning towards her, already lost to the daze of pleasure and perversion that had been inflicted on her, and in the next they were pulling up to the Heritage Inn on the south side of town. Lisa should have used that time to try to escape or to formulate a plan or something. She didn’t though. She couldn’t take her eyes off of her friend as Margaret’s fingers and mouth wandered her body doing just what she’d been ordered to do: give her a taste of the pleasure that had been inflicted on her so recently.

Angel Fall Part 2 (MF Angels Demons Corruption Transformation)

(Part 1 is here: )

Even bereft of his armor and his weapon, Laurus sprung headlessly into action. They were only tools, and he could slay this demonic scum even without their aid. He charged two strides forward, then used a single flap of his wings to launch himself almost to the rafters, grabbing a pair of imps before using his momentum to crush them like insects as he landed. Then he was in the midst of battle with only the remnants of his toga and his fists to face the hordes of hell. None of that mattered though as he slowly beat a path towards the holy weapon which was still embedded in the stone of the threshold. Once he had that, he would make sure that whoever inflicted his humiliation paid a terrible price.

The main door leading into the chapel had been breached, and stood almost half open, letting the smaller imps and demons surge through while the greater demons were for the moment still trapped outside. The tide was against them, and they were already outnumbered, but the sisters to his right and left didn’t flinch at the onslaught either. Through their determination he could feel the sin radiating off of them; it was like an oil slick on a font of holy water. It saddened him more than it disgusted him though, and when this battle was done he would make sure penance was done and as many were redeemed as possible. That was easier said than done.

Taking Advantage (Stripper Prostitution Shame Breeding Condom Sabatoge)

Warning: Reader discretion is strongly advised. This is a particularly dark story about sex that is dubiously consentual and impregnation that is nonconsentual written from a male perspective. Many of my stories focus on shame and humiliation, but this one is more brutal than usual.
For most of his life Gary thought that stripclubs were about the saddest place that existed. Poor, damaged women gyrated on a mirrored neon stage for pathetic, desperate men. The strippers showed their customers what they’ll never get to taste of an inch at a time, and their customers showered them with a few crumpled up bills for the privilege. Then they both walked away with a bad taste in their mouths, with both of them feeling like they got the short end of the stick. Gary realized that was a suckers game decades ago, but tonight he wasn’t here to see tits. Instead he sat in the back of this dive, nursing a watered down mai thai while he watched a bottle blond going through the motions on stage. If anything, he thought, COVID had made places like these even worse than they’d been only a year or two ago. The prettiest women had all fled to OnlyFans, and the crowd was thinner than the hair of the average customer watching the show. It was nothing but the dregs of humanity on both sides of the equation these days, he thought, which suited him fine, desperation was exactly what he looked for when he wasted an evening in one of these little hell holes.
“Care for a dance?” a raven haired stripper asked him as she prowled the darkness looking to make a quick fifty off of her sagging tits.
“Maybe later,” Gary answered with a quick shake of his head. He hadn’t gotten a lapdance from a predator like that in almost thirty years, when he was too young to know better.
At almost fifty he was starting to show his age, so even half covered in tattoos she was probably still hot enough to be out of his league, but he had the money to afford better pussy without breaking a sweat. That was the reason he visited places like this on business trips: because every woman here was for sale, whether she knew it or not. Dating or sugaring was always an option of course, if he wanted a woman he could take to social events. He wasn’t here to show anyone off though. He just wanted someone he could spend the night ruining before his flight out tomorrow, but it looked like that wasn’t going to be in the cards this time.
For the last two hours he’d watched a number of women with big breasts and dead eyes take off their costumes a piece at a time to rap songs and rock ballads, and even though the other dozen or so men had enthusiastically helped pay the dancers rent, not one of the strippers had made his dick hard. He’d actually gotten his phone out to call a cab when a girl that actually caught his attention finally came on stage.
“Alright ladies and gentlemen – give it up for the one, the only – SATIVA!” the DJ blasted across the speakers before some pop song he didn’t recognize drowned out the weak smattering of applause the audience had offered up. Halfway through her first set he could see that she was the one, even if the other guys here seemed less than interested. In this case it was easy to understand the difference of opinions. Once her top came it became apparent that she had only a very modest rack. They were maybe a B cup or a C cup. It was hard to say from here, but considering all of the other dancers had been D cup or larger tonight it was clear that the audience had a preference and it wasn’t her. That suited Gary just fine. He suffered through two more songs before she got off stage giving him time to study her body before she came around to reel some suckers in with lap dances.
“Want a dance Mister?” she asked when she finally reached his table while a red headed felicity danced on stage behind her. He could see she was expecting him to say no. He’d said no to so many of the performers tonight that they’d mostly stopped asking him an hour ago. That Sativa, or whatever her name was, had even bothered to try him knowing that, spoke to her desperation.
“That depends,” he said after leaving her in suspense for a moment, “Do you dance in the private booths, or just out here where everyone can see?”
“I dance anywhere you can afford baby.” She purred, trying to hide her surprise under a feigned interest in him. “It’s not cheap though.”
“Everything is cheap, if you’ve got enough money,” he answered, letting that statement hang in the air for a moment. In truth he wasn’t wealthy. Not by the standards of the real world. A couple million was nothing these days, but what he had was still enough to buy and sell every girl in the place without denting the limit on his Amex.
Sativa smiled, then took him by the hand and lead him back towards the darkly curtained booths by the stage. Like all the women he’d ever played this game with, she made a big show of it. Like he might be the one guy that managed to get lucky in a place like this. It was like the song said though – there was no sex in the champagne room. In a place like this there wasn’t even a champagne room, there was just a spacious naugahyde bench for him to sit on his hands while the stripper flaunted her body in his face confident in the knowledge that he couldn’t do anything about it.
“Here’s for the dance,” he said, offering her a couple fifties as he sat down, “and there’s an extra hundred in it for you if you let me get a little handsy during your performance,” he offered before sitting on his hands like a good boy.
“Keep the money,” she said after thinking about it for long enough to show that she was interested, “and keep your hands to yourself too,” she added before she climbed onto his lap and started to sway to the rhythm of some Aerosmith song he was sure that he knew once upon a time.
Gary didn’t press the issue and leaned back, enjoying the show. He watched her hips sway and her tits jiggle, and took in all the tiny imperfections that told the story of the sad life that had led her here. He looked past her fake smile and dirty blonde hair to the details that really mattered. He could see the track marks that were old enough to say that she’d been clean for years, and the stretch marks on her belly and breasts that said that she had at least one kid, but possibly two. The lean look of her face and her sad eyes told that life was harder than usual, and she wasn’t eating enough. It was that sadness that made his dick hard as much as the way she ground her ass against him. Unlike the other jaded whores in this establishment there was a sweet young girl still buried deep inside Sativa, and Gary desperately wanted to take advantage of her.
He bided his time though, waiting for the third song to reach its crescendo so he could get his money’s worth before he spoke again. “If I went for one more round you’d probably make more than you would the rest of the night, wouldn’t you,” he asked.
“The night’s still young, unlike you.” she answered, trying to casually swat away his advances, but he could see he’d struck a nerve.
“You’d make even more if you let me tip you like I mentioned earlier.” he added, smiling.
“I don’t think that’s the tip you’re thinking about Mister.” Sativa answered with a practiced coldness, “but if you want more dances then I’m happy to go again. If you just want to flirt you’d be better off buying me a drink like everyone else.” She stared at him for a long moment, giving him a chance to make up his mind, but when he said nothing, she started to climb off.
“I don’t want to flirt, and I don’t want another dance,” he said finally as he stood up, standing uncomfortably close to the dancer so that no one else could possibly hear what he said softly in her ear over the sound of the music. “I just want to make an offer: you’re never going to make a living between this place and whatever it is you do for a day job. Between rent and babysitting alone I’ll bet you’re already falling behind and I—”
“I don’t think that’s any of your business,” she interrupted, but he could see every word had found its mark. Between her instant anger and the fact that she hadn’t stormed off yet, it was obvious that part of her was desperate enough to hear him out even if the rest of her knew she shouldn’t.
“Of course it’s not,” he answered mildly, “I was just proposing that I might make it my business, just for one night of course.”
“Are you calling me a whore?” she demanded, her anger blossoming into outrage.
“I’m just saying everyone needs a little help now and then.” he pivoted, giving her the deniability her soul craved in this moment of indecision. “Whores sell themselves every night, women just do what they have to, to get by.”
“I’m not that kind of woman,” she answered, but the fire was gone. She was definitely thinking about it.
“I’m not saying you are.” Gary answered smoothly, “I’m just saying that if you’re going to sell pieces of yourself on that stage for a pittance, you might as well let me rent you for a night for… how much is rent around here? Twelve hundred?”
“Fifteen,” she corrected almost instantly before stopping herself so she wouldn’t appear too eager.
“Fifteen then.” he said, knowing it was far too much for a girl like her, but not caring. Sativa’s hunger and desperation was something he just couldn’t get from a four hundred dollar escort though. He flashed a wad of hundreds he kept in his front pocket just long enough enough for her to see he was serious. “It’s a small price to pay to help a woman like you out.”
“I didn’t say yes,” she said, still not leaving as she struggled with the terrible choice he offered her.
“Well, you’ve got an hour to decide.” Gary answered, pushing the curtain aside and walking past her. “After that an old man like me turns into a pumpkin.”
She didn’t try to stop him, but that didn’t matter. He already knew he had her. She just needed some time to justify to herself that it was okay to do the one thing she swore she’d never stoop to, just this once. Gary had seen it play out a dozen times before. Very few women enjoyed showing their bodies off to perverts for money, but none of them enjoyed it when the money wasn’t enough. In his experience they all made themselves the same promises, and then they all violated them when things got bad enough.
He sat back down and waited, enduring the attention of the other dancers now that he’d marked himself as someone that could be a big spender while his preferred dancer made up her mind. Eve let him know that if he didn’t believe her tits were real he could check for himself, Cherry told him that even though she’d lost her cherry years ago she still had the box it came in, and Ebony made sure that he knew that once you go black you never go back. Gary ignored all of these attempts to get him alone with polite indifference. Any of the three would have been prettier and likely cheaper than the dancer he’d set his heart on tonight, but fucking them wouldn’t be any fun because they were already dead inside.
That did nothing for Gary. It would be like fucking a blow up doll, or his second wife, he thought, laughing quietly to himself while he passed the time watching the strippers gyrate on the poll. Finally thirty minutes later Sativa reappeared. “Buy me a drink.” she told him. It wasn’t a question, and Gary smiled slightly as he laid out a few twenties on the table, and a waitress quickly exchanged them for a glass of what almost certainly wasn’t alcohol.
“I can’t go back to your hotel with you,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “I have a babysitter that needs me home by two.”
“Then you can invite me back to your place.” he responded. “I’ll be there ten minutes after they leave.”
“But you can’t come to my house, I—” she said.
“Okay. If that’s how you feel, but at this rate I doubt you’ll be staying there much longer either.” he answered.
“No,” she said, a note of desperation in her voice, “It’s just that I have a baby, and it’s a studio. I can’t bring strangers home to my daughter.”
Gary’s heart went out to her for that comment, but it also made him want her more. “No, I understand. Any good mother wouldn’t want to bring one of these losers within a mile of their children, but a man like me…” Sativa looked at him and saw what he wanted her to see – an aging harmless older man in a business suit. Even the idea of letting someone so safe and normal looking into her home to do something so sleazy though – she looked like her heart was breaking under the strain of the terrible position he was putting her in. He loved every minute of it.
“Fine,” she said finally, slipping a cocktail napkin out of her pocket and leaving it on the table. “Two twenty. Don’t try anything funny, or you’ll regret it.” Then she was gone. Gary waited a couple minutes before picking up the napkin and noting the address on it. It wasn’t in the best part of town, and there were definitely no $1500 studios anywhere near there, but it should be fine. He replayed the conflicted look on her face as she gave in and felt his dick throb in sympathy. Tonight was going to be a great night.
Gary popped a viagra with the dregs of his drink and let another hour pass before he called a cab, and he waited across the street from the shabby apartment building until he saw an older woman who definitely had a family resemblance to his stripper leave out of the front gate before he walked over to ring the buzzer on unit 221. While he waited he wondered if granny had aged particularly well or if Sativa’s mom had experienced a life every bit as hard as what her daughter’s was shaping up to be. Either one spoke to the terrible circumstances of her life as clearly as the dreadful condition of her building as he walked up stairs that reeked of piss under the flickering fluorescent lights.
When he reached her door he knocked softly, and after half a minute of hesitation he heard the deadbolt and the chain being shifted so she could usher him inside before someone could catch a glimpse. Gary didn’t care who might see him though as he strolled in. He was far more interested in what he would find behind the door. The apartment was hardly something he would even call a studio. It looked like someone had converted an old motel room into cheap housing, but it might have been even more cramped than that. There was a very small kitchen wedged against the wall across from the twin bed. The bathroom had the only door that could be closed for privacy. Even the closet didn’t bother to waste its limited space on a door to hide what was behind it. As cramped as it all was though, it still had a woman’s touch to make it lovely.
Looking around the room he could imagine how the few pictures on the walls covered unsightly holes, and the throw rugs and furniture covered mysterious stains she’d prefer not to be reminded of. He could feel all the trouble she’d gone to, to make even a small and awful space feel safe for the crib that sat just below the window and he smiled, knowing what a violation it was to even let a man like him into her sanctum like this. How would she ever hide the stains he left behind, he wondered idly as he stepped toward the pretty young woman.
“Not so fast,” she said, taking a step back. “Show me the money first.”
“Naturally,” he said with a smile, peeling off hundreds off his money clip one at a time until he held 15 of them in his hand before tucking the rest away.
When she reached for it though, Gary walked past her and sat down on the edge of her bed. “Slow down baby. I want you to earn it. Give me one more dance – the one I wanted at the club where I could appreciate you with more than just my eyes.”
Sativa’s eyes darted from the crib where her baby slept to her bed where a stranger was holding a wad of bills in his hand and back. He knew what she was thinking. Was she really going to do this? Was she really going to fuck a man for money? Of course he knew the answer seconds before she did, and when she picked up her phone to play a slow grinding R&B song, she knew it too. She was going to do whatever she had to, to get paid. It was two or maybe even three months rent in a shithole like this, and a lifeline like that was worth a little bit of her self respect, even if she didn’t have much left to give either.
“So that’s what you want, huh? Sex with the stripper?” she asked as the song started. “You want to fuck the girl that everyone else only got to watch?” Once the baseline had started in earnest and the vocals had picked up she set down the phone and approached him with her hips swaying in time to the beat. She’d changed out of the lacy number she’d been dancing with in the club and had switched to a t-shirt and jeans, but as she peeled those pants off one beat at a time, she revealed her lovely curves. Gary was entranced. She’d seemed cold in the beginning, but now her movements were more passionate and sincere than they’d been in the club. He wondered if she was just hoping to get him off before he had the chance to fuck her or if it was the money that was motivating the increased sensuality.
Finally after her shirt came off she sat facing away from him on his lap, leaving her in only black cotton panties and a gray sports bra. It was the least sexy outfit she’d worn all night but the authenticity of it made him ache as he reached around and started groping her tits through that thin cloth. She flinched at his touch the first couple times, but didn’t stop him. “God you’re a sexy little slut,” he whispered, sliding several hundred dollar bills under the elastic band at the bottom of the bra.
He reached up to turn her head to the side so he could kiss her and she pulled away. “No, no kissing,” she whispered, still obviously uncomfortable with letting a stranger touch her like this.
“If that’s what you want slut,” he said, relaxing his grip on her chin so she could turn away from him. That was when he grabbed her short hair and pulled her off balance, making her gasp. “In my book for this much money I can do whatever I want. Now if you don’t like that, that’s fine – I won’t force you. I’ll let you keep the money I’ve already given you and I’ll go home and jerk off. The choice is yours.” He watched the fear give way to despair as she realized no was the last thing she could say, even if she hated the idea.
“Fine.” she said coldly. “Anything is on the menu, as long as you wear a condom. If you aren’t going to do that, then you can leave right now. The last thing I need is another mouth to feed.”
“Of course.” Gary replied smoothly, “What kind of man picks up strippers and plans to fuck them raw. Who knows where they’ve been.” He watched her face sour at the insult, and then kissed her before she could respond. Her lips were soft but her mouth was unyielding and it took a few seconds to force his tongue into her mouth. Finally he moved his other hand down from her breast to her panties, sliding his fingers into her panties to seek out her clit. If she wanted to pretend to be frigid, he was going to make that choice as difficult as possible. After a few seconds he was rewarded with a light moan. Her pussy was still dry, but he was sure he could fix that if he could press the right buttons a few times.
They stayed like that, kissing and touching until Sativa started to respond, and then he broke the kiss, picking up the remaining bills. “What’s the matter slut?” he asked sardonically, “Not enjoying yourself? Maybe my money will turn you on more than my touch.” As he spoke he started to slide bill after bill into her waist band.
“No,” she denied, “It’s not that it’s…”
“It’s what,” he demanded. “You’re not usually like this? You don’t normally do this sort of thing?” Before she could respond he pushed her to his feet and stood up himself, turning her to face the dirty full length mirror that hung near the bed. “Why don’t you take a look and see what I see?”
Sativa turned away, but Gary forced her head back to face the mirror. “I see a desperate woman who’s made some bad choices. I see a good person and a better mother in there too.” She perked up at that description, obviously expecting worse from the man that had just decorated her body with hundred dollar bills. He didn’t need to deliver those insults yet though, she was telling them to herself now, so he could save that part until he was inside of her. “I also see a pretty little cock sucker in there too. Why don’t you get on your knees and show me that you blow me as well as you can dance?”
She didn’t hesitate at this request. From the speed she dropped to her knees it was clear she’d much rather suck a stranger’s dick than let him kiss her again, and moments later his pants were around his ankles and she was pulling down his boxer briefs to let his dick free. It was an average cock, or maybe just below at five inches, and she attacked it with her tongue immediately without bothering to study it.
“Mmmm,” Gary groaned, “That’s nice baby. Really nice. I knew you were a good oral slut. You were so eager to get me into your mouth that you didn’t even tell me how big I was, or how delicious I looked.”
“Well”, she said, pulling her mouth off his dick while she continued to stroke it with her hand, “You – you’re a—”
“Save it slut.” he said, grabbing her head and forcing it back down until her lips reached the root of his shaft. “One day after you’ve had enough John’s you’ll learn that this is all just another show, just like the one you perform on stage. For now I just want to cum down your pretty little throat.”
After that he didn’t let her control the pace, and with a hand full of hair he held her in place while he started to fuck her face. For half a minute she struggled and gagged, but eventually she just went limp, accepting that this was happening and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. That was when he sped up, bruising her lips as he fucked her face as hard and deep as he could. While he pounded the back of her throat making her choke and gurgle he watched it all play out in the mirror to her right. Gary wished he was recording this, but seeing the reflection of his cock sliding in and out of her barely willing mouth was almost as good, and he burned it into his mind as he felt his balls start to tighten.
“Mhhhhh – That’s right cunt.” he encouraged her, groaning as he started to get close. “You’re probably thinking that if I cum in your mouth, a man as old as me won’t be able to get it up again, aren’t you?” He let the question hang in the air a moment before he grunted and forced himself deep, cumming down her throat without warning in five thick shots that left him weak in the knees.
“Well I’ve got bad news for you,” he said breathing heavily after he pulled his cock out of her mouth, letting her choke and breath while she looked at him with simmering anger. “With the little blue pill a man is always ready for round two.” As he spoke Gary rubbed the slimy head of his cock across her lips enjoying the way she pulled back in revulsion.
“I think maybe you should just leave,” she said finally, rising to her feet.
“And I think you should take off that underwear if you don’t want me to tear it while I’m getting you naked.”
“Look, I-I just don’t think this is for me,” she stammered.
“That’s fair,” he answered, pretending to be reasonable for a moment. After she sighed and relaxed he added, “Maybe you’ll like homelessness better,” while he reached into her bra and withdrew several c-notes.
“Wait,” she said, clutching her hands to her chest to try to stop his stronger hands from taking what he wanted. “You said I could keep the money if I changed my mind.”
“And you can.” he said. “The two hundred I mean. That’s more than reasonable for the dance and the blowjob, but if you think I’m going to pay you over a thousand dollars without stretching out that sweet young mommy pussy, you’re sorely mistaken.”
“But, but…” she sputtered, deeply conflicted. “I need that money. It’s not a joke. We really might end up on the street if I don’t get some money fast…” While she talked, Gary shoved the eight or nine hundred dollars he’d been able to grab easily into his pocket and zipped up his pants.
“And I wish you luck with that,” he said, feigning indifference as he turned to walk to the door, secretly smiling to himself at how well this was playing out.
“Please,” she begged as he put his hand on the doorknob, “Please try to understand.”
“Oh I understand completely,” he said, turning to face her again. “I’ll tell you what. If you get on your knees and beg me to fuck you right now I won’t walk out this door right now.”
“But I told you—” she started.
“And if you sound desperate enough, and repentant enough I might find it in my heart to give you a little bonus on top of this cash,” he added, reaching into his pocket to fish out the bills and wave them in her face. He watched the way her eyes followed the bills, sure that he had her on the hook, but when she only responded with indecision and pleading eyes he turned away and started to turn the knob again instead.
“Please,” she said again, a little louder than she meant. “Please stay.” When Gary turned back to face her, he found her right where she should be – on her knees with tears in her eyes.
“Stay and do what,” he asked, playing dumb.
“Please stay and…” she swallowed hard, having a hard time saying it. “…and fuck me.”
“But you said that wasn’t something you wanted,” he responded coyly. “I’d hate to force you…”
“No, please,” she said again, “This is what I want. “Please put on a condom and fuck my p-pretty pussy.”
“I’ll think about it,” he said, enjoying the way the tears were starting to slide down her cheeks, even as she forced a smile on her face. “Why don’t you show me what I’m going to pay all this money for?” Slowly and almost reluctantly Sativa forced herself to her feet and started to slide her panties down before kicking them off to one side.
“The bra too,” Gary added as she started to sit down on the bed, forcing her to pause and pull it off over her head.
Then she sat down, managing to force out another “please,” though this one wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as before.
Gary walked forward and spread her legs wide without any resistance. “Are you sure?” he asked again, “you want me to fuck your cunt for this money right here?
“Yes,” she whispered, unable to keep the sadness out of her voice, “That’s exactly what I want.”
“Then that’s what we’ll do.” he said, letting the bills rain down on her naked body while she shuddered at their touch. With his hands freed up, Gary smiled slightly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom, then he undid his pants and started to put it on without saying anything. He watched her relax visibly as he did so, but if she knew what he knew her reaction would have been anything but comfort. This condom was from a box he’d kept on his dashboard for years, letting age and heat do their damage to the ultrathin latex.
It wasn’t that Gary hated condoms, even though, loike every normal man, he did. He could fuck a woman with a condom and cum like a normal person. God knows that he’d done that with his bitch of an ex-wife for years. It was that he never came as hard as when he was knocking up some unsuspecting slut like the one spread before him. As he rolled the thin sheath down his throbbing cock he wondered how many strokes this one would last. Sometimes these things lasted five or ten thrusts before they came apart like a wet paper bag, and other times they split as soon as he started to slide inside. Either way, his partner almost never noticed until the deed was done.
Once it was on he crawled onto the bed between her legs, appreciating the contrast between her naked body and his suit-covered one. He hadn’t even bothered to take off his shoes as he prepared to mount this slut. Why bother? It wasn’t like he was staying the night – he was just here to paint his womb white and leave as quickly as possible.
As he positioned the head of his dick against her shaved pussy he was surprised to find that she’d gotten wetter since he’d felt it earlier. “Well someone really does want it,” he murmured, making her turn her head as she flushed in shame. Had forcing her to beg actually turned this bitch on he wondered? “Tell me – has anyone else ever paid to fuck your pussy?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“No,” she said, obviously embarrassed. “Never.”
“So then I do get to claim a first of sorts,” Gary murmured as he slowly started to sink his shaft inside her vulnerable hole. “Your prostitution cherry.”
“I’m not a prostitute,” she hissed at him, real anger in her voice.
“I know that,” he said, pulling back after an inch or two so he could push a few inches deeper. “I don’t fuck prostitutes. Nothing could be more boring. I fuck whores like you that are about to be forced over that edge by life.”
“I’m not a… nhhhh… a whore…” she grunted as he finally bottomed out after several strokes. For Gary the party hadn’t started yet, because the condom was still intact,but he knew that wouldn’t last much longer.
“Of course you are,” he reiterated. “You’re a whore. You’ve been trading your tits for tips for years now, and even though tonight is the first time you’ve sold your slit, it definitely won’t be the last.”
“Shut your fucking mouth,” she said, the tears coming back as she struggled beneath him, and get the hell off me, I—” a good hard slap across her face silenced her quickly enough, and Gary followed that up with a few hard strokes, aiming to batter her clit with each thrust.
“Shhhhh,” he whispered without bothering to stop his fucking. “You’ll wake the baby if you aren’t careful.” She reached up to try to push him off silently, but he easily pinned both arms above her head without too much trouble. That was when he felt that thin latex finally fail, and he grunted in pleasure as he felt her slick pussy walls embrace his dick properly. A few strokes later and…
“Listen whore,” he whispered into her ear, breathing heavily as he finally started to get into the spirit of things. “You’re going to take my cock and you’re going to like it. You’re lucky I bothered to wear a condom. In a year or two most of your clients won’t bother, and you’ll charge them extra for the privilege.”
“I’ll never do that.” she said bitterly, still squirming beneath him, “Never.”
“Just like you never get off from being treated like a whore, right?” he added sarcastically. “I know you can feel how much wetter you’ve gotten since I started telling you the truth. It feels better, doesn’t it?”
“No,” she gasped, lying badly. “I hate it and I hate you.”
“Well I believe the last part at least. You do hate me don’t you.” Gary groaned, stopping for a second to calm down so he didn’t cum too soon. He wanted this to last. “But one day a man like me – a man like me, is going to knock you up again, and then you’ll spend nine months carrying that bastard around. All because you sold your pussy for a few bucks instead of getting a real job.”
“Noooo…” she whined, crying in a way that made it impossible to tell the moans between the sobs. “Why… of fuck… why are you saying these a-awful things.”
“Because the only thing about me that turns you on is the shame I inspire in you, cunt.” Gary said cruelly. “It’s the only reason you’re wet, and the only reason you’re as close to cumming as you are.”
“I’m not – mhhhh,” she panted, “I’m not… I…” Gary lowered his mouth down to her left breast, biting and sucking on her sensative nipple while she tried to deny it. Once those sensations amplified the pleasure coming from her unwilling pussy communication was lost to her though. “I… I… oh fuck… I don’t want to cum… not for you… not for… Ohhhhhhhh fuck…” Sativa, or whatever her real name was, was completely unprepared for what he was doing to her. His dick never made the woman he was fucking cum, but his foul mouth did it almost every time. He could see right through them, and when he told them every terrible secret they tried to hide, they just crumbled like a house of cards.
Making a stupid whore cum was insult to injury, and that’s why he loved it. Not only did it make the shame of the experience harder to shake, but it made it that much more likely that they’d get knocked up when he blew his load like he was about to do now. With a roar he delivered a few violent thrusts before bottoming out inside the slut beneath him and filling her unsuspecting pussy with shot after shot of fertile cum. His whole body spasmed, and he allowed himself to get lost in that bliss for a long moment as he imagined Sativa’s body swelling with a second child until it was so obvious that she was showing that she couldn’t even waddle onto stage for a handful of singles anymore.
Eventually she broke the silence as he knew she would, “You’re still wearing the condom right?” she asked hesitantly, the worry plain on her face.
“Of course, it’s right…” he let the line trail off with practiced theatrics as he pretended to pull out and examine his dick for the first time. “Oh no,” he added finally after her worry reached a fever pitch, “It looks like the whole thing ripped.”
“What,” she gasped, pushing him off her while he pretended to cooperate while he dragged his feet and his thick cum started to ooze out of her. “Get the fuck off me,” she said finally, waking the baby as her frantic tone rose in pitch. Gary got out of her way and let the poor girl charge to the bathroom. He took the opportunity to get up and zip up.
“I can’t believe this,” she said from the bathroom, “What if you got me pregnant?”
“I wouldn’t worry too much about that. I got snipped after my second divorce,” he lied smoothly as he reached into her purse looking for her license. “I’m more concerned you might have given me something. When’s the last time you got tested?” As he talked he pulled out his cellphone and snapped a couple pictures of her ID before putting it back away.
“When’s the last time I got tested?” she responded in an outraged tone that set the baby to crying even louder, “When’s the last time you got tested, mother fucker?!” She might have kept talking after that, but he’d never know. As soon as the baby started to squall in earnest he eased the door open and left, walking a couple blocks before he stopped at a gas station that was still open this time of night to grab a drink and call a cab.
With any luck she’d buy his story and wouldn’t bother to get a plan B pill until it was much too late, he thought, relaxing in the backseat of the cab on the way back to his hotel. By tomorrow he’d never see her again but in nine months he’d look her up in the insurance databases he had access to and see if she was going to be the eighth mother of his children or not. If she managed to land on her feet, Marla might be a good mother one day, but that wasn’t his problem.
Gary smiled, putting his wedding ring back on and exiting the cab. Marla was a much better name than Sativa anyway.

One Little Moan Part 2 (MF Breeding DubCon Exhibitionism First Time)

It was impossible to forget that night, even a week later, but Taylor tried. Kevin’s cocky smile haunted her though. Awake or asleep, it would come back to her at random times. It made her uncomfortably wet in class, and kept her horny pretty much all the time now. She tried to imagine other men when she masturbated to relieve the pressure. That was something she’d barely done since school had started, but it didn’t help. No matter who’s face she put on the man in her fantasies, that damn smile always came back, and with it, those words “Your cherry is mine, and no one else is going to fuck you and until I’ve stretched you out properly.” Nothing made her cum like that threat, and it lingered long after the words he’d written on her had faded.