What It’s Like To Fuck V [MF]

**Preface: this is my first try at writing a sex story, but it describes the most recent fuck I’ve had with my partner. V is an exhibitionist, used to post on gw subs and consents to sharing the images linked in the body of this story. Constructive criticism is welcome, but please be civil.**

V [is hot as fuck](https://imgur.com/a/tzYV41x) and I’m a [6 foot, ginger bearded horndog](https://i.imgur.com/oMfHdGE.jpg). V has curves in *all* the right places and she carries them well. She’s got a beautiful face: lovely cheeks, sensual lips and calming eyes you want to look into forever. I love kissing her lips, I love kissing her jawbone, up to her ear lobes and her neck. I love how much it turns her on. I caress her shoulders, then I start working down her back. I love her back, I love running my hands down the valley of her spine, feeling the warmth in my hands. I work my way back up, feeling not just her spine but her whole back and sensitive sides. I start to rub her skin closer and closer to her gorgeous large breasts. I caress her shoulders again and her chest.