Shit, has it been a month already? ADHD is a bitch. This story is (as you might have guessed) part of a longer series.
You can find all parts [here](
The rain lasted for one more whole day. I studied a bit, went to the gym, met some friends and cleaned every part of my apartment that smelled like sex. And the whole time I was thinking about both of these sexy, slutty girls that made me feel like the luckiest guy in the entire town. I was aroused the whole time, and every few minutes, my mind darted back to the mental image I had of the girls. What didn‘t help were the actual images they sent me. I told them how much I love receiving nudes, and how much I like being teased, and it definitely hit a nerve with them.
The picture they sent me after getting home was only the start. It felt like I was constantly getting bombarded with pictures of Michele‘s boobs, Kate‘s ass, both girls completely naked, then Kate under the shower, Michele showing off some lingerie that barely counted as clothing, and so on and so forth. I didn‘t want to masturbate, so I could save everything for the next time I would meet them. But god damn it was hard. I was hard. But I managed to control myself.