My first and only MILF [MF]

Hello! I am new to this sub and have enjoyed reading the stories. I figured I would share one of my own and I hope you guys enjoy. This was from 5 or so years ago so some of the memories are a little fuzzy, and I don’t know how good I am with words, so apologies in advance.

So I had dated the same girl from Freshman year of college all the way through graduation and beyond. I thought I would marry her, but she had other plans, and we ended up breaking up. I was pretty heart broken, so I left town to visit my cousin in a town a few hours away. We were drinking at her apartment and then went to a friends party near by. By the time we went out to the bars, I was pretty drunk and not missing my ex as much. We get in line for a bar and there is a woman, probably 45 or so in line in front of us. She is with her sister and they are pretty trashed too. She turns around and sees me and tells her sister how cute I am. Her sister laughed and says “he’s like 20” (I was 23 so not all that far off.)