I hate tinder and I’m over trying to date. [MF]

I got to try dabs yesterday for the first time. That was cool but not worth the insane awkwardness I had to endure. I went over to this dude from tinders house and I told him beforehand I didn’t want to have sex and I just wanted to get to know him. He was all over me. It was like dab-awkward touch – dab – kiss – dab… it was fucking weird.

Voices are a dealbreaker for me and I HATED his voice. The more we smoked the more I wanted to punch him in the throat. Then he went on a fucking rant about the vaccine. So I left.

Ended up going to a bar around the corner and meeting up with this guy S who I’ve been friends with a while. He’s cool. I had a slight emotional breakdown but without the tears, so I didn’t look too pathetic which was nice.

After me ranting to S about everything we went outside to leave and he asked if he could go down on me in his back seat. I busted out laughing… I thought he was joking… he wasn’t. Ugh.

[MFM] The night I accidentally fucked my friends boyfriend.

It was 2am and we were leaving the club. We were with a group of friends. Two of the guys were WAY to drunk drive so I offered them a ride. The one guy was my friends boyfriend. She was out of town for work. The other guy I had just met that night and he had been hitting on me since the moment he met me. He was definitely my type. Dad bod, beard, dirty… not like dirty dirty but like he would be who I wanted in my car if my jeep broke down kinda dirty.

So I gave them a ride. The guy I had just met sat in the back seat, behind me and my friends boyfriend sat in the passenger seat. As soon as the car ride started the guy in the back seat started getting flirty and a little handsy with me. I was enjoying the attention so I didn’t try to stop it. I was wearing a strapless tube top dress with a white shaw thing that covered my arms and was as long as my dress. I wasn’t wearing a bra and he didn’t have any problems figuring out how easy the access was to my tits. He slipped his hand through the top of my dress and rested his hand on my left tit he then grabbed it as if he was claiming his territory.