Sasha’s Date (F)

The day had finally arrived. Sasha had been anticipating this day for weeks. As she stretched in bed she wondered if it would be as much as her dreams promised, or if she could even go through with it. The package sat at the foot of her bed wrapped in simple white paper. The note gave explicit instructions that it wasn’t to be opened until today. She knew he would know if she disobeyed. The consequences would be severe. Perhaps it would mean the day wouldn’t happen at all, and that frightened her more than the prospect of going through with the instructions in the letter.

She rose promptly at 9:00 and drew a bath. Se stepped into the steaming water, ready to prepare herself for the day. As the steam rose around her she melted into the tub, careful to follow his instructions. She began by soaping up a washcloth, running it over each inch of her slender frame. The swell of her breasts ached as she caressedher nipples. The cloth ventured between her legs. It took all her strength not to linger there for long. He explicitly forbade her from touching herself for three days prior. He wanted her hungry for his touch.