[MF] Reuniting with a Fellow Redditor in Philadelphia

Hi there. I’m not sure if I can post my little story here, but I’ll try. This is the story of a second meetup I had with a fellow redditor. The story about our first meetup can be found in my post history. I’ll admit that it’s probably not ‘wild’ enough for most, but it’s the most wild I’ve been in a while. My story is rather long, but I hope you stick around to give it a read.

..Sex and Sentimentality..
I hate that I am so sentimental. I wish I was like most people, who hang on to mushy memories, but, I am sentimental and I will probably always be sentimental. It’s mostly nostalgia and it comes out in a lot of my writing and journaling and, sometimes, discussions with people. I catch myself doing it at work constantly. It’s the old soul in me…

Who knew reddit could make me sentimental, but it has. Two people living hundreds of miles away meet in a common location and have a sexual encounter that is loads of fun. All due to a nsfw subreddit. We have completely different background and would probably never have met otherwise. It’s pretty amazing and makes me feel a little gooey inside.