A bitter-sweet longing [f]or a passion that once was [m]ore than one of sexual bliss.

(Background: We are in our mid 60’s and have been married to each other for over 40 years. Husband writing.)

Extreme frustration and disappointment is what washed over me. Most all at myself and my performance and a very small percentage, 3% maybe, at having a passive lover.

I don’t set out with expectations and hopes but inevitably they are there. I had a deep desire to make love to my wife. Since we had nothing better to do on a rainy day, I expressed this desire to her and we made our way up to bed.

No hopes. No expectations. However, … I make preparations. I get out the lubes: both kinds because she likes one kind for this and the other for that; this and that somewhat a moving target. I get out the wipes; there is always cleanup to be had. And, I get out her vibrator. She sees this and gives a thumbs up. I mention that we could try it since we had time to experiment. Inevitably, I have created in me anticipation and hope.