The Glory Days [MF] kinda long

Ahh high school. The glory days. I was a junior in high school with nothing but sex on my mind. I struck the jackpot at the beginning of my junior year. I started dating a girl that was a senior. She was a blonde, had beautiful blue eyes, a flat stomach, toned legs with one of the greatest asses I’ve ever had the pleasure of grabbing.

Fast forward to after we had been dating for a few weeks. We got comfortable with each other and started having sex regularly. Not just any sex but the kind of sex you wish you could relive just once. If we weren’t having sex in person, we were having phone sex or sending nudes back and forth. It was great and she really opened up my eyes to how great it was to have a fun and comfortable sex life. We dated for 5 months and the sex continued right up until we broke up in December. The break up was mutual and we both felt we needed to go different ways.