Our first Sex Pary [Group]

<From the Beard’s perspective, which is obvious very soon>

Sex parties were something my GF and I had talked about wanting to attend, for a bit, now. We read about them, listened to podcasts, and overall just tried to be as informed as possible before stepping into “that world” (as some people call it). It happened to where we had a perfect opportunity for one, recently. Not local, which we were OK with, and on a day we both had off. We decided to make a trip out of it, you know, see *other things* while we visited a farther away city. We wanted to keep our options open, we planned to attend the party first (it was going on all day/night) and see how we felt with the vibe. This left the option up to us to keep playing all day, take a break, or just leave if we weren’t diggin’ it. We felt it important to have a set of more *fluid* plans, for our first time. And it paid off.

Dr. Buttlove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the prostate massage [MF]

*Some backstory

So as a preface, I’ve never really been into or curious about butt-stuff. My gf can attest, as she came into our relationship enjoying it for herself, but even then, I wasn’t much intrigued. Sounds weird, I know, a guy who *didn’t care* to have anal sex???? ;) She encouraged me that she enjoys it, and was very open to it, if I so desired (she wasn’t about pressuring me). So we talked for a bit about it, and finally I dove in. It was my first anal sex, and it was amazingly different. I’m not a guy who says it’s “far better” than PiV, but just that it’s “different, in a good way”. So after some time enjoying anal and me becoming an ‘ass man’, far more than I was before, she brought up “butt-stuff” on me. I wasn’t all that comfortable with it. Sure, I’d tried to find my own prostate before, but let someone else, especially a girl I really like, go **there??** Needless to say I had a lot of preconceived notions about that area. This is about how that aspect of my life was changed forever.

end preface*