I (M26) fucked my cousin (F27) when she was visiting me. (Part 2) [MF]

Saturday arrives and Jane arrives by bus, because luckily she lives in a city close enough to not have to fly. I waited for her at the entrance. I’m starting to get slightly anxious about seeing her after a long time. Soon I see her and she sees me. She gets all excited and does a quick little speed walk towards me with her luggage strolling behind her. She embraces me with one of the tightest hugs of my life. I felt my back pop in couple places. She let go and looks at me with a massive grin behind her mask (This is back in May of this year remember)

She said “You look a little bit different now! Have you finally been taking seriously?” I was not, but to not disappoint her so soon, I said “Yeah”. She hugged me again, not as tight this time thankfully. I took her luggage and we started walking towards my car.

Jane was wearing dark grey shirt with the bottom tied so that showed a little bit of her midsection and a pair of tight dark blue denim jeans that made her ass look all nice and round.

I (M26) got to fuck my cousin (F27) when she was visiting me. (Part 1) [MF]

Hi, my name is John (not my real name, im just using it for this story) and got the chance to fuck my cousin Jane (not her real name) a couple months ago.

A little backstory for those interested. Jane and I are 3rd cousins and we grew up close to each other throughout our childhood until she moved away during high school. We still kept contact and her family would visit us once in awhile, I began to really missed hanging out with her. Luckily, after high school we both attended the same university and began hanging out again like we used to. During this time Jane and I got into working out at the gym. Jane gave it more effort than I did and saw massive amounts of gains.

Let me describe what we look like.

We are both of Korean descent.

I have your every day average build with a little bit of muscle on my arms, dark brown short hair, pale skin’ about 5’10, and what I’m so humble to say an everyday average dong.