Without Question [MM][transMan[Strangers][Hookups][MPreg]

Notes: This is a work of fiction. I hope I tagged this correctly. I would have posted it on sexystories, but it’s dead now.

The cruisers know who I am. I know who they are. We never exchange names or personal details, and if I recognize them from the news, I don’t mention it. Cruising operates on anonymity.

Some guys get hookups just from going to parks or public bathrooms. There are codes people can use to indicate interest. I don’t like doing that sort of stuff, so I stick to apps. I’ve got two neck-to-knees photos on there. Most people hide their faces, especially the conservatives.

You’d be amazed how many people can talk about traditional family values by day and get their dicks sucked by strange men at night. There are probably a lot of reasons for that. I haven’t asked them. It’s not my business.

The conservatives are my favourite guys to cruise for. They tend to keep things quiet. A lot of them pretend I’m not who I say I am, but calling a bucket a bathtub doesn’t stop it from being a bucket. I know the truth, and that’s what makes it fun.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[MMMtM] [Noncon] The Construction Crew

When I landed my first “real man” job, I had no idea what I was in for. I thought that I would just be part of a construction crew. Turns out, I have some other tasks as well.

This whole thing started because of a tradition. When we were on our lunch break, the supervisor, Sebastian, came over to me. He made small talk for a while before dropping the bomb.

“You’re going to have to put up with a lot of shit on this crew. We don’t want pussies working with us. We have a little test we do with all our newbies.”

“And what’s that,” I asked between bites of my sandwich.

“Each of the guys are going to pull out one of your pubes. If you don’t scream or cry, we know you’re a real man.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m not kidding. It takes a minute. They’ll grow back. Your girlfriend won’t even notice.”

“You know what? If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it.” I pulled my pants around my ankles, fully exposing myself. “Take as many as you want.”

A Lesson in Femininity [M/F/TM][threesome][squirting]

When an old guy tells you that he can make you squirt, that usually sets off the Creep Alarm. To me, Michael isn’t some random old guy. He’s a friend, even if we do touch each other’s junk sometimes.

But apparently I wasn’t Michael’s only weird sex-friend. Julie had been around much longer than I had. She seemed to be just as interested in getting me to squirt as Michael was. She’d told Michael to bring me to their next hookup and she’d see what she could do.

I arrived at her apartment in a comfortable shirt and my favorite jeans. I didn’t try to look too fancy. Michael said I didn’t need it.

Michael opened the door. He flashed me a relaxed smile as I entered. It was a simple studio apartment with a great view. A woman with curled gray hair sat on the sofa. She looked entirely at ease with herself.

She stood up, making her short blue skirt bounce. “Nick! Good to see you!”

“Good to see you too, Julie.” I held out my hand like this was a job interview.

[F-solo] Elaine’s Time-Stop Binges [caution][feeding]

> Caution: There are no traditional sex scenes in this story. It is 1,200 words of a woman eating. If that excites you, great! If not, you might want to check out one of the other stories on this subreddit. I’m sure there’s something right for you.

This story was written on request. If you’d like to challenge my literary boundaries, PM me.

Elaine stared at the tiny morsels on her plate. It was another 300 calorie meal. She could see the piles of food that were on the other side of the room, but since she was a model, she had to restrict her food intake.

And she was sick of it. Sick of the rules. Sick of the planning. Sick of the iceberg lettuce salads with nothing else. Just once, she wanted to eat like a normal person.

Her phone dinged. She opened the email. It told her that a package had arrived on her doorstep. She recognized the shipping address. It was that mysterious shop she’d found on the dark web.

[M/FtM] A Lesson in Acceptance

The locker room bustled with activity. A group of old men were preparing for a class. I’d just finished my workout for the day. I stayed calm through the whole process. None of them noticed my feminine chest.

I texted Michael the second I got out. I wished he could have been in there with me. His lessons had definitely made me more confident.

Michael responded quickly. “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you. It’s a shame I had this appointment. We are definitely celebrating later.”

“Thank you.”

“My place tomorrow at 8 pm sound good?”

“Yes! I’ll be there!”

I arrived at Michael’s duplex slightly overdressed. I had no idea what he wanted. It was too late for dinner. A part of me was hopeful.

Michael opened the door overdressed too. The lights were dimmed, and he’d set candles out. Soft piano music played. He ushered me in.

I sat on his couch. He’d set an arrangement of flowers and a large box of chocolates on the coffee table. He sat right next to me. Our hips touched.

“Michael, you didn’t have to do all of this.”

[F/F][Divinity 2: Original Sin][Sebille X OC] After the Fade-out

Windaria stared at the nude assassin on the other side of the bed. Sebille’s seductive, muscular body was covered with scars and marks, each one telling a story. The newest were a set of nail marks on her skin, left moments prior by Windaria’s own hands. There was a subtle smile on her lips.

Windaria had never expected to have Sebille on her ship, let alone in her cabin. Sebille had been icy to her at first. They had agreed to work together out of convenience. Sebille always knew what she wanted. As Windaria kept her on her ship, she gained Sebille’s trust. It was that or end up on the bad end of her needle.

But Sebille always knew what she wanted. She had ordered Windaria to strip. She had kept complete control of the action. She had driven Windaria to a powerful orgasm.

How could that cold killer look so serine? Windaria reached out, brushing her fingers against the assasin’s breast. The soft skin felt too beautiful to encase that cold heart.

Sebille’s eyes opened. “What’s on your mind, darling?”

“Where did you learn to do all those things?” Windaria asked.

A Lesson in Masturbation [M/FtM]

Waking into Nick’s bedroom was like walking through time. The photos of cars ripped from magazines on the walls, the dark gray bed sheets, and the guitar in the corner. I probably would have had a Union Jack instead of the blue, pink, and white striped flag he had.

“I guess guys haven’t changed much,” I remarked.

“Thanks, Michael.” Nick blushed.

Nick had asked me to come here to help him sort out his clothing. He said that, despite all his time studying it, male clothing was confusing. I could tell what he meant. He was 20, but he dressed himself like a child. I wasn’t the most fashionable guy around, but I thought I could help.

I pulled open the top drawer of his dresser. I was greeted by half a dozen binders and a couple lacy bras. I almost chided him for keeping his girlfriend’s underwear with his own.

The next drawer had boxers, and a lot more work to do. I started pulling out some of the most childish ones. Garishly-printed fabric fell at a pile at my feet.

[MF][Pandemic][Cheating] No Borders

Aleena sat in the break room, focused on her cell phone.I knew she was texting Hassan. They’d been a couple for years, but thanks to the current pandemic, she hadn’t seen him in two months.

That was a surprise to me. Aleena seemed to be an intimate woman. She was a close, passionate friend, so I could only imagine how close she’d be in a romantic relationship. I didn’t know why she stuck with a man who lived in another country. Before the borders closed, she would travel to Germany on her days off to see him.

Now, she was stuck on England’s shores. The government had shut down most of the businesses, but bankers were essential. Each day, she would come into work, smiling behind her mask, and put in her best effort. Each break, she and Hassan would text. And each break, I would try to talk to her.

I sat beside her. I admired her wavy hair and inviting features.

“How is the ‘settled down’ life treating you?” I joked.

Her cheeks raised, indicating a genuine smile. “About the same as the wild partying life, but with less headaches.”

The First Lesson in Masculinity [M/FtM] [con, public, gym, cunnilingus]

Note: In this story, FtM refers to gender transition, not gender transformation.

My arms were already starting to ache when I took the plates off of the bar. I’d finished up just in time. In half an hour, men all over downtown would come here for their after-work workouts.

Maybe one day I’d join them, but for now, I was happy to exercise on my own. I was still getting used to going into the male locker room. Having other guys there would be weird.

Turning on the shower, I let myself relax. The hot water soothed my muscles. I stared at the tiles so I didn’t have to look at my own body. Testosterone was slimming my hips and my chest, but there was still work to do.

The door creaked open. Fear shot through me. I ran to my clothes. Even though I wasn’t dry, I needed to dress. My packer refused to sit properly. I kept trying to shove it into place.

“Kid, chill.” A man laughed.

I looked up at him. He was tall. His body was muscular despite a soft middle-aged pudge. Stubble adorned his chiselled face. His dark brown hair was peppered with streaks of gray. He looked like my goals.

His Gloryhole Secret [Fiction][MM][Cheating][Exibition]

Written for a friend


I didn’t expect that I would be spending my Friday night in a glory hole, but here I am. This was my idea. I just didn’t think I would be the one doing the sucking.

When I bought “The Sex Stop” last year, it wasn’t doing well. The old owner was strangely conservative, refusing to cater to anyone that wasn’t part of a married couple. I had to change that image. Bringing in new merchandise was part of the plan, but the second part was events. Once a month, we hosted an event based on a kink. One time, it was BDSM classes. Another, it was a burlesque show.

This month’s theme was exhibition. There would be couches and cushions set up around the store, and in the back corner, I’d set up a glory hole. Kendra decided to be on the inside. She joked that she had plenty of experience. Jack would be helping me with looking after everything.

Fifteen minutes before the exhibition party was supposed to start, I got a text from Kendra. She’d come down with a cold. She wouldn’t be working.
