Slime Girl Roommate – Part 2 [FF][MM][FFM]

Slime Girl Roommate – Part 2

[Part 1](

We’ve try cleaned ourselves up. As much as we can. I cram myself (and Midori inside me) into the tiny train bathroom. I realize suddenly “Oh, shit. I didn’t shower this morning. I’m so embarrassed.”

I felt Midori squeeze her little head out of my vagina. “It’s okay, Kate. I was rushing you. I’m sorry for manipulating you.”

I pause, feeling the happy surprise of that apology. I did feel manipulated and it was so comforting to have it recognized. “Thanks Midi. I really am embarrassed though. Like, don’t you have taste buds all over your body?” I say with disgust.

“Kate, come on. Don’t make me say it.” Midori says with a little wiggle. My leg jerks at the pleasure.

“Say what?” I ask. Genuinely confused.

“Fine.” Midori sighs, “I like your dirty pussy. It tastes good!”

I blush and then we both laugh. “Okay, good” I say, and wipe tears away from my eyes. Fuck, I’m so emotional. What is going on?

Now it’s time to pee. I offer Midori the chance to get out of the way but she brushes it off. “We’re gonna be like this all week. I can’t be going through your cervix that much.” 

[Prompt inspired] Slime Girl Roommate [FF][MM][FFM]

from r/DirtyWritingPrompts

[WP] reluctantly, she teamed up with her slime girl roommate to pretend to be her guy friend’s pregnant fiancee with his family over vacation. She didn’t expect to find the experience so… erotic.

Part 1

It was supposed to be a study break. A badly needed one. Two weeks in my dorm with no classes, no family responsibilities, and absolutely NO slimy roommate. I’m not being mean. She is literally slime. I can’t believe I didn’t know about slime people before I got to college. My parents aren’t the most worldly people. Raising their family in rural French Canada less than a mile from where they were both born. Hicks, if you will.

Taking away the obnoxious personality, her collection of creepy bobbleheads, and the ever present layer of fluid on her side of the room, I really liked Midori. She was a good roommate and a good friend. My discomfort with her was entirely my fault. I was embarrassed by my ignorance. I actually screamed when I came into the room and saw her for the first time. She promises me she forgives me but I’ll never forget the look of fear and shame on her face as I backed against the wall and started calling for the RA.