I’ll make a manwhore out of me. [M][masturbation][exhibition][kink]

Until I started doing it for the camera, I always had complete control of every aspect; what I felt, how I felt it, what I watched/read while I pleasured myself, and I’d make sure I was to a good part when I climaxed. Being a virgin, I never had anyone to take any of that control away from me.

Then I got a prostate vibe, and I started to understand the appeal of losing control.

Took me some time to work up to inserting it, I’ll tell you that; I’d always get nervous and chicken out whenever there was any resistance. But after lots of lube and lots of breathing, I managed it.

Although it’s a fairly small toy, it felt huge at the widest point; I was about ready to give up, because being stretched open for the first time was, although not painful, bordering on unpleasant. But then I passed the widest point, lube and elasticity took over, and my own body pulled it down to the hilt in an instant.

And when it slipped into place and I felt it nestle against the back of my p-spot, I knew I was hooked. I always considered anything anal to be “too violating” for me, but it *was* violating, in the best way.

[M][masturbation][exhibition][kink] My habits during isolation have gotten out of hand

(This is the first time I’ve ever written down anything like this, so obviously I don’t expect to win, but I do want to share. I hope you enjoy, feel free to critique!)

I’ve always been a switch; always wanted a significant other that I could alternately dominate and be dominated by, on our mutual whim. Never have found one, but eh, that’s life.

But I’d never given a lot of attention to the half of myself that wanted to be ordered around. The half that didn’t care if it was a stranger or a lover, man or woman; just please god enjoy me.

I finally did, but that’s a story for another time. I’ll sum up by saying that I discovered a lot about myself, and what I enjoy. So now my ritual that used to consist of just nutting into a napkin and carrying on with my day has gotten a lot more complicated. And a lot more public.

I lie down, lube up the vibrator and carefully insert it. Takes a bit, as nothing besides a small toy or two and an inquisitive finger has ever been there. I’m still anxious and perhaps over-cautious while doing this, but making a mistake would be a pain in the ass…