[MF] The best week of my life

So I’ve mentioned this girl in a few other posts but this is the story of how we had one of the most awesome weeks I’ve ever had.

I met a girl (let’s call her G) at a party a few years ago. She was shy (as am I) and wasn’t talking much. I knew I liked her but wasn’t sure how to engage and just sort of joked around with my friend who invited her to try and spark conversation. Eventually they left but before she did I hugged her which she later told me “Felt different”

I asked her out for a drink a few weeks later. We kissed at the end of the first date and started to see each other regularly. We slept together a few weeks later.

That first night when I was taking off her clothes I nearly felt my eyes pop out of their sockets. Her breasts were huge compared to how they looked with clothes on. I was very excited.