No sex, but I can’t stop thinking about what happened yesterday (47M+19F)

I have a nephew who is 19 years old. I've known him since he was about 7 (he's on my wife's side). He is good friends with a family that his dad is connected to in various ways. One of the members of that family is Valerie, who is now also 19. I met her many years ago when she was little. She was always a really nice kid and I enjoyed spending time with her. Very polite and fun.

Anyway, I would see her periodically over the years, and it was cool to watch her grow up. As she got older, she really developed into a very pretty girl. For whatever reason, the two of us kind of connected. Obviously not in an inappropriate way, but as she got older there were a few times where it just felt awkward, for lack of a better word. She was a kid who seemed to have a thing for me, and I was 30 years older than her.

Some time went by and I didn't see her at all for a number of years. There was a divorce and as a result we just didn't spend time with her or her family. She lived on the other side of the country, so other than seeing her on Facebook, there was no contact. Until yesterday.