[F] After having a blindfolded gangbang with a bunch of anonymous coworkers, the pregnancy test came back positive

I had sex with a bunch of coworkers while blindfolded. I took Plan B and got a full panel for STIs (which came back negative). But I was feeling off…so I took a pregnancy test this morning just in case. It came back positive.

I don’t have any idea how many men actually finished in me (more then five). I don’t have any idea who actually was there. Lots of unknowns.

I’ll take another test later today to confirm…not sure what to do.

Since I keep getting asked the same questions:
1. I don’t know what I’m going to do.
2. It is almost guaranteed there were black men in the gangbang
3. My boyfriend does not know

[F] After having a blindfolded gangbang with a bunch of anonymous coworkers, the test results are back in

Got a full panel for STIs (it’s not STDs anymore is it?) and I am fortunately in the clear. All negative. I’ll do a follow up in 6 weeks. But my pussy is in the clear.

Additionally, successfully took Plan B on the 5th day after the gang bang.

Going back to work to get my stuff, not knowing who has been inside me was both stressful and incredibly sexy. But no one made it awkward or uncomfortable. Even my coworker who ran the whole thing was understanding and kind.

Just wanted to update everyone who has been worried about my well being.

[F] Had a blindfolded gang bang a few days ago. No condoms we’re used. The CVS is out of Plan B. A little worried…

So after my work experience getting gang banged by an unknown number of coworkers, I took an entire day off to lay on the couch and think about what happened. I really was struggling and it was a lot to process. Feelings of guilt and Horniness varied back and forth.

I rallied this morning and went to the CVS pharmacy…which was out of plan b.

The enormity that has hit me is at least four men came inside me without condoms on…and I literally didn’t see any of their faces. So I don’t know who did it. I havnt gone back to work since that all went down either.

Guess I’ll try another pharmacy tomorrow…I’ve got like five days before I need to really worry.

Mistakes have been made lol

Edit: I am ovulating.

[F] I finally had sex with my mysterious coworker…and he brought friends with him. Long story below

I’m still processing. Not necessarily for the best. Please don’t flood my inbox with messages. Comment here for any questions or notes. I will not be responding to personal questions from anyone. But wanted to share an update.

My anonymous coworker left me a note on my desk that I was going to get fucked. It was time. There was a chat name on the paper which I added. He responded immediately. He told me to go to the mens bathroom, go into the handicap stall and await further instruction.

The lush bluetooth vibrator turned on at a low setting. It was inside me as was the norm these days.

I practically sprinted to the bathroom. I stopped and composes myself before slowly opening the door.

“Anyone in here?” I asked. Silence. I darted inside and ran to the handicap stall, quickly opening and closing it. Locked it.

I messaged him that I made it.

“Take your clothes off. Everything.”

My hands were shaking as I pulled everything off until I stood there completely naked. I unhappily looked at my pussy, which I hadn’t shaved in a few weeks and was embarrassingly ungroomed.

[F] I’m whoring out my friend so she can get a bigger cock in her life

My friend, let’s call her CH, is an amazing person. We met at work and she took wonderful care of me as someone new to this whole industry. I owe her big.

She is a professional, tough, whip smart, compassionate and can be a litttttle stuck up.

Shes 5’1, has great tits and a curvy body. She doesn’t think she’s sexy at all and especially doesn’t believe other men could want her. One of those girls.

She’s been in a relationship for the last seven years with a guy who is perfect in every way except one…his bedroom game. Starting with the obvious…he has a tiny penis. And while he’s the boss at work he’s pretty submissive in the bedroom.

One night while CH and I were drunk she admitted to wishing she could have a big cock again in her life. She also has a fetish where she wants to have sex with a guy, but she doesn’t know who he is (aka she’s blindfolded so she never knows who used her body like a sex toy). She really likes the idea of anonymous sex, like seeing the guy’s face would ruin it. Lastly, she’s a size queen, who won’t admit it.

[F] Update: my anonymous coworker finally made an appearance and had me cum for him at work

I don’t want to get into the details of why I’m stepping away from Reddit, but I wanted to give everyone the update on my coworker and what the latest is.

So a week after wearing the Bluetooth vibrator that was mysteriously left on my desk and operated by an unknown coworker, I had cum close to six times. He would edge me when I was talking to people at work, then give me time to recover. Then start up again. I could never tell who it was. Then on Friday things escalated. A lot.

After a particularly long session of him turning the vibration up and down on set, I finally had to step away. I walked around the corner of another building and stepped behind a hedge and slipped my hand into my shorts to finish.

“Don’t turn around.” Said a deep voice. I froze. The vibrator slowly sped up. “Don’t you dare turn around”. I didn’t.

“Keep doing what you’re doing.” He ordered. I kept rubbing myself.

“Drop your shorts.” I did it. Feeling the cold breeze on my cheeks. “And your thong.” It went to the ground. The vibrator jumped a level.

[F] I got naked at work in between clients and it nearly ended in disaster

One of my tasks at work is to do fittings with extras who work on movie sets and take photos of them in costumes for when they go onto camera next.

I bring them in, get measurements, have them try costumes on, photograph them against the wall and send the photos to my boss to decide on the best ones.

Today I felt very horny. I wore a Lush vibrator and the constant on and off from a mystery coworker was too much for me. I decided to have some fun. I finished my fitting with one guy and had 5 minutes before the next guy.

The first door closed. I waited. The second door was a loud one.


The second the door closed, I quickly kicked my shoes off. I pulled off my socks, pulled my shirt up and over my head, unclipped my bra, dropped my leggings and stood there completely naked in the office.

I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror. Then I turned on the timer on my camera and stepped in front of the backdrop. The timer was ten seconds. It felt like forever. I faced the camera like all the extras do…only naked.

[F] A mystery coworker left a Bluetooth Vibrator on my desk and told me to wear it…so I did.

I went home with the lush vibrator in my bag. When my boyfriend went to sleep I pulled it out for inspection, plugging it in to let it charge and read the instructions.

I downloaded the app and saw it was already connected to an account named “BeGood”. My mind raced as to who it could be. My crush at work Brad, the overweight and gross George or could it be someone else? Unfortunately my recent actions at work left some options on the table. I had concerns about wearing it but decided I would just take it out if it got too much.

The next morning I put on a skirt, sweater and shoes, heading to work. When I arrived I immediately went into the bathroom and closed the stall. I was already horny and my pussy was ready. I pulled it out of my bag and gently pushed it inside myself. It took a moment to get inside but then it felt incredibly comfortable. I stood up and it was almost like it wasn’t there. The tail of it jutted out a little bit but with the skirt it wasn’t a problem.

[F] Thanks to Reddit’s encouragement, I “accidentally” showed the coworker I have a crush on a nude of myself.

For the last few weeks I’ve been trying to decide on the best way to get my coworker’s (Brad) attention. I’ve overheard him talking about me and know he finds me attractive. I also know from an ex coworker who was hooking up with him that he’s incredibly well-endowed. Otherwise we only know each other as friendly work acquaintances.

Well, I took a poll on Reddit and the winning choice was show him some vacation photos and sneak a nude of myself in the middle for him to find. I spent days picking which photo and went with me posing for my boyfriend, panties on and nothing else, giving a cute face. It looked very natural and like we took it in a hotel room.

Last week I was talking to Brad and I steered the conversation to travel and I brought up Thailand. He said he always wanted to go and I told him about all the beautiful things I saw. Then I told him I would show him photos this week.

Well, this morning while waiting for everything to set up at work, I wandered over to him and asked if he still wanted to see the Thailand photos. He said of course.