A Necessary Education [incest] [m/s]


There’s Mom again, probably about to ask me to take out the trash or something. “Yeah mom,” I yell back in reply.

“Come down here. I need to talk to you.”

Uh oh. That could mean anything. It could be my grades or it could also be that she found out about my porn accounts. There’s no way to be sure without going downstairs. I head down the stairs and turn into the bedroom where she called me from. “What’s up mom?”

She motions for me to come sit on the edge of the bed next to where she is sitting in her nightgown. “I’ve just had a talk with your brother and it’s occurred to me that I might not have explained some things about sex that seem important for you to know.” I groan inwardly as I realize it’s going to be one of those talks, but she continues, “Have you ever been curious about a woman’s body?”

“I mean, of course I’ve been curious at some point. I’ve never really seen one…”