Dinner and a Movie (MF)

It’s rare to find someone you can just be quiet with, often sharing silence can be more meaningful than chattering at one another. Sara’ large green eyes were staring back into mine, they were the color of emeralds in candlelight. Every now and then she would take a long blink as sleep threatened to overcome her. I wondered if she too was thinking of her partner, the jilted lover, unaware that another man was holding her lithe frame, my cum bathing her inner walls. I know I was thinking of my girlfriend. I felt my eyelids growing heavy too and I tried to take a mental image of this moment. Green eyes stared into mine, set into a pretty face framed with long, red hair. Her nose only inches from mine above kissable red lips. I leaned in and kissed her one last time before succumbing to sleep as a wintter storm raged outside.

The Lesser Man Part 2 (MF)

A continuation at someone’s request, feedback and input is always appreciated. This is a direct continuation so please read part 1.


I sat and fumed to the sound of them for a while then busied myself with some chores as I went through the entire situation a few times. While I know I could have thrown him out, I figured Sara deserved some consideration. I had agreed and I hadn’t set out explicit rules of when they could meet or that it needed to be a swap. Did this mean I had a free rein too?

Also, what was with the dirty talk? Was it just because of porn or was she so turned on? Some of the worst was her implying I wasn’t a real man or my dick wasn’t as good. Which I guess in this case it wasn’t. I kept wandering around the apartment, purposefully avoiding the area near the bedroom. Eventually I heard the door open and close and I made my way towards my wife.

She was still lying in the bedroom, covered by a thin sheet. She had a contented look on her face and her breathing was slow and even. “Hey baby,” I said softly.

Starting Anew (MF)

Sometimes I think about creative destruction and how a simple error in judgment can have dire consequences, make space for new opportunities, or present a mixture of both. Destruction can come from many sources in a relationship between man and woman though benign neglect is its most usual source. In our case, the combined forces of infidelity, disinterest, and simmering distaste led to a climax which razed one life to the ground but left fertile ground for others to arise.

Anne and I married shortly after college. I was an engineer working in pharmacological processing and she was a teacher. In a mistake that might have been avoided by waiting a few years, we had a brief engagement and married before really living together. That said, we really were quite in love during those early years. There were always challenges and it felt like we were really a team, conquering one challenge after another. We got good jobs and started moving up, bought cars, bought a house, the real American dream.

The Organization Chapter 11 & 12 (mf)


Chapter 11

The morning came too quickly and the blaring of my alarm was like knives in my ears. I hadn’t returned until nearly 1 am and I had a run scheduled for the morning. I suppose the coach wouldn’t have known that I didn’t go running but I have always taken contracts rather seriously. Internally I knew it was one of those things sports coaches do to try and pretend the players are grown up but still it got to me.

I threw on my running gear and walked to the main house to fill up a water bottle. The familiar smell of booze and cigarettes hit me and I made my way to the kitchen. I filled up a water bottle and turned to go out the front. And, there mom was. Naked as the day she was born and splayed half on the couch with a bottle of vodka in her hand.

The Organization Chapter 10 (mF)

Chapter 10

I woke up the next morning with something of a smile on my face and just felt good. It was earlier than normal and the whole neighborhood was quiet. Apple and toast were easy and I headed to school to use the gym. Need to be a bit better about this since sports are off. The morning was surprisingly warm and when I pulled into the school the birds had started their warbling.

The gym was mostly empty though I could hear a few of the machines being used. I checked in and wandered into the cardio section. A few people were running and I settled on a treadmill for a few minutes to warm up.

This has been an absolutely mad few days. The whole thing with Jax and Camille was fun but it’s definitely playing with fire. He seemed to like it but would they want reciprocation? What if I start seeing someone, would they use it against me like that, especially if it’s Allie? And what’s going on with Justine, we’ve always fooled around but this has gotten a little hotter. What did she mean “don’t rule it out”?

The Organization Chapter 10 (mF)

Chapter 10

I woke up the next morning with something of a smile on my face and just felt good. It was earlier than normal and the whole neighborhood was quiet. Apple and toast were easy and I headed to school to use the gym. Need to be a bit better about this since sports are off. The morning was surprisingly warm and when I pulled into the school the birds had started their warbling.

The gym was mostly empty though I could hear a few of the machines being used. I checked in and wandered into the cardio section. A few people were running and I settled on a treadmill for a few minutes to warm up.

*This has been an absolutely mad few days. The whole thing with Jax and Camille was fun but it’s definitely playing with fire. He seemed to like it but would they want reciprocation? What if I start seeing someone, would they use it against me like that, especially if it’s Allie? And what’s going on with Justine, we’ve always fooled around but this has gotten a little hotter. What did she mean “don’t rule it out”?*

The Organization Chapter 8 & 9 (mf)

Well, you all are getting a twofer since the first chapter didn’t have anything hot in it.


Chapter 8

It had been something of a whirlwind three days and I was feeling a little overwhelmed. Fortunately the morning periods passed quickly and uneventfully. History with Ms. Willows and English with Ms. Moore were uneventful and neither gave any acknowledgement to our activities. I had Calculus with Mr. Kopecek where the only notable aspect was the silence from the triplets. I expected they had also been subjected to a full physical too. While Nurse Boltz had certainly made mine fun, I expect that it could be a little impersonal to have your body measured from head to toe.

The lesser man (MF)

I never really thought I would find myself in this sort of situation. Let this be a warning to everyone out there. Make sure you and your spouse are sexually compatible before marriage. I always held a relatively high opinion of myself. I was always popular, I know I’m attractive (~6’1” and in decent shape), and I have a successful career. In fact I’ve been the one to turn down hookups much of my life as a serial monogamist. I don’t even think any exes have complained about my bedroom skills. But now I’m regularly listening to other men fuck my wife.

I met Sara shortly after a nasty breakup. Maybe it was karma, I cheated on the poor girl and she found out. Nothing more there, I was the asshole and I needed to do some serious soul searching. Sara really did seem to be the answer. After Chelsea nearly murdered me, I returned to my hometown. My company has an office here and I was able to easily transfer.

The Organization Chapter 7 (m/f)


Chapter 7

Morning as always came too soon though waking up between the two women was rather pleasant. While no one wanted to leave the warm bed, we all had places to be. A quick shower and drive later I was dropping them off at Jessie’s house to retrieve their rental car. Beth hopped out quickly after a quick hug and jogged inside to attend to her dog despite Jessie promising to take care of it.

“So Niko,” Tatum said a little nervously. “I had a lot of fun last night.”

“Me too.” I said, smiling at her.

“Let me give you my number and maybe you could hit me up in Denver if you’re ever around.”

“Sure” I said though I was pretty sure it would be unlikely. She gave me her details and then pulled me in for a last kiss. This one was a little slower and more passionate than the ones last night. I pulled slightly on her lower lip and we both opened our mouths allowing our tongues to wrap around each other’s. She put her arms around my neck and I felt that tight little ass one last time.

The Organization Chapter 6 (m/f)

Chapter 6.

I practically ran outside. As promised Justine was walking out of whatever had kept her late. She saw me and broke into a big smile and ran over.

“Hey Niko, can I get a ride?” She asked in an innocent tone. She pulled the schoolgirl look and ground her toe into the ground while looking up at me.

“Ha, you know you can.”

She smiled and took my arm as we walked over to my jeep where there was a note under the wiper. I recognized Allie’s handwriting and stuck it in my pocket before. We hopped in and sped off towards Justine’s place, both eager to leave school behind.

“You know,” She said, drawing out the words playfully. “My mom’s gonna be gone with Nicki for a few more hours if you want to come in.” A smile played across her face only heightening my increased need. I’d been teased all afternoon and I needed a release.

“I’d love to hang out.”

“Good” she said excitedly and reached over to put her hand on my thigh while looking at me. We pulled up to a stop sign and she asked, “Anyone around?” As I shook my head no she practically dived at my crotch pulling out my dick with her experienced hands at this point.